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Water supply and sewerage

The construction of the water supply and sewer networks combines the construction of the external and internal networks. Company SANART Ltd. carries out a full cycle of construction of external networks depending on the wishes of the customer and the project task, which means that the specialists of the company are ready to construct water pipe and sewer pipelines, water supply wells and water treatment plants, water storages and supply facilities, fire fighting exterior structures, sewage treatment systems, pump stations, penstocks, as well as all kinds of rainwater sewer. Also, there is completed a full cycle construction of the internal water supply, sewer, fire water supply and internal rainwater drainage systems. Certified construction specialists -foremen and project managers are responsible for the quality and performance of work at a high professional level, and have the motivation to fulfil the work task – to achieve the highest customer satisfaction with the final result of the order and complete the work in the shortest terms possible.

Biedrība Līgotnes Saime

Ūdens guļvadu nomaiņa daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā "Līgotnes" Mūrmuiža, Valmieras novads


ŪK izbūves darbi objektā "Mazumtirdzniecības ēkas jaunbūve", Piebalgas iela 14, 14A;16, Cēsīs, LV-4101

Vilkme SIA

Ūdensvada būvniecības darbi Silakroga ciemā, Ropažu pagastā, Ropažu novadā


Ūdens , kanalizācijas un apkures iekšējo tīklu izbūve objektā „ Stādu uzglabāšanas noliktavas, administrācijas, sadzīves un ražošanas ēkas, tehnikas nojumju jaunbūve saimniecībā “Zābaki” Krimuldas pagastā, Siguldas novadā”

Valsts aizsardzības militāro objektu un iepirkumu centrs

Laukuma ar nojumi izbūve "'Ādažu miltārā bāze" Kadaga, Ādažu pagasts, Ādažu novads

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Smiltenes novada sporta skolas pārbūves būvprojekta izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un būvdarbi

Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca VSIA

Maģistrālo siltumtīklu remontdarbi Strenču psihoneiroloģiskās slimnīcas vajadzībām


Zivju pārstrādes ceha pārbūve Muižas ielā 16, Ādažos

AS Akvedukts

Siltumapgādes ārējo tīklu un ūdensapgādes, kanalizācijas ārējo tīklu izbūves darbi objektā Tālavas ielā 12, Valka, Valkas novads

Cēsu novada Pārgaujas apvienības pārvalde

Ūdensapgādes, kanalizācijas tīklu un ielu apgaismojuma pārbūve dzīvojamo māju kvartālā Straupes pagastā, Pārgaujas novadā

Draudze"Latvijas evanģēliski luteriskās baznīcas Matīšu Svētā Mateja draudze"

Notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtas uzstādīšana Matīšu baznīcas teritorijā Valmieras ielā 3, Matīšos, Matīšu pagastā, Valmieras novadā


Ventilācijas, kondicionēšanas, un apkures sistēmu, ūdensvada un kanalizācijas būvniecības darbi Mūrmuižas ielā 18, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

SIA "Valmieras namsaimnieks"

Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā Smiltenes ielā 2A Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

SIA Adven Latvia

Siltumavota efektivitātes paaugstināšana Cēsīs, Bērzaines ielas kvartālā. Katlumājas uzstādīšana


ŪKT tīklu izbūves darbi objektā" Bioloģiski noārdāmo atkritumu pārstrādes rūpnīcas “Daibe” Materiālu nojumes un laukumi izveide, adrese CSA poligons Daibe, "Stūri, Daibe, Stalbes pagasti, LV-4151"

SIA Ekers

Ūdensvada tīklu izbūves, ūdens uzskaites akas pārbūves, ārējo sadzīves kanalizācijas tīklu, pagrabstāva pretvārstu un ēkas Nr. 4 ievada izbūves, ārējās lietus kanalizācijas, ārējās virtuves kanalizācijas un siltumtrases izbūves darbi objektā "Skolas Leona Paegles ielā 40, Valmierā pārbūve"


Vēdināšanas- gaisa kondicionēšanas, siltummezgla, apkures ražotnes daļā, ūdensvads-kanalizācija, siltumapgādes ārējie tīkli un ūdensapgādes-kanalizācijas ārējo tīklu izbūve objektā CSA poligons Daibe, Stūri, Stalbes pagasts, Cēsu novads

SIA JK Building

Ūdensapgādes un apkures sistēmas izbūves darbi Rubenes ielā 34, Valmierā

SIA Kvartāls

AVK un Ūk tīklu izbūve Skolas ielā 1, Gulbenē

SIA LC būve

UK, SM, AVK izbūves darbi objektā "Stacionāra "Latvijas Onkoloģijas centrs" ēkas B Korpusa - Ķīmijterapijas Dienas stacionāra paplašināšana", Hipokrāta ielā 4, Rīgā

SIA Valtech

K1 sistēmas izbūve Alejas ielā 12A, Valmiermuižā, Valmieras pagastā, Valmieras novadā

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra un grupu dzīvokļu ēku būvprojektu korekciju izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un atlikušie būvdarbi

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes pārbūve Palejas ielā 5, Valmierā

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Ārējās teritorijas lietusūdens ietekmes novēršana, Pirmskolas izglītības iestāde "Burtiņš"

Valmieras novada pašvaldības iestāde "Valmieras Nekustamā īpašuma apsaimniekošanas pārvalde

Bojāto lietus ūdens kanalizācijas cauruļu nomaiņa, Rīgas ielā 25, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

Valmieras novada pašvaldības iestāde Strenču apvienības pārvalde

Ūdensvada remonts Sedā no Dārza un Uzvaras ielas krustojuma līdz Dārz ielai 12

VSIA "Strenču psihineiroloģiskā slimnīca"

Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca stacionāra 6.nodaļas ēkas būvdarbu kopums

Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība

Valmieras Viestura vidusskolas pārbūves 1.un 2.kārta

Burtnieku novada pašvaldība

Sadzīves kanalizācijas tīklu izbūve Valmiermuižā, Valmieras pagastā, Burtnieku novadā

Smiltenes novada dome

Rūpnieciskās ražošanas ēkas būvniecība Limbažu ielā 8, Smiltenē

Valts izglītības attīstības aģentūra

Smiltenes tehnikuma dienestu viesnīcas pārbūves darbi un mācību manēžas jaunbūves darbi

AS Valmieras stikla šķiedra

Ugunsdzēsības ūdensvada izbūve Cempu ielā, Valmierā

Burtnieku novada pašvaldība

Ūdens ugunsdzēsības rezervuāra atjaunošana Upes ielā 13, Matīšos, Matīšu pagastā, Burtnieku novadā

Dāvja Ozoliņa Apes vidusskola

Karstā ūdensvada sistēmas būniecības darbi Dāvja Ozoliņa Apes vidusskolā

Gulbenes novada dome

Ēkas "Jaungulbenes Alejas" pārbūve par sociālās aprūpes centru

Pārgaujas novada pašvaldība

Katlu mājas atjaunošana Straupē

Priekuļu novada pašvaldība

Ūdensapgādes tīklu izbūve Muižas ielā Priekuļos un Liepas ciemā

LTD Aimasa

Iekšējo inženiertīklu izbūve objektā "Veikals "Mini Maxima"", Valdemāra ielā 2, Rūjienā

LTD Cēsu klīnika

Plaušu slimības kabinetu izbūve, Uzņemšanas nodaļas remonts, Ieejas sakārtošana pie morga, Ieejas nojumes remonts

LTD Ekers

Dažādu sociālo grupu kopdzīvojamās mājas iekšējā ūdensvada un kanalizācijas, apkures, ventilācijas un ārējo tīklu pārbūve Ūdens ielā 2C, Valmierā

LTD Imberteh

ŪK, LK, drenāžas un siltumtrases izbūves darbi un ēkas fasādes sitināšanas darbi objektā "Daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamās ēkas daļas nojaukšana Maija ielā 4, Liepā, Liepas pagastā

LTD Rūjienas siltums

Ūdensvada posma atjaunošana Aspāzijas ielā, posmā starp Dārza un Viestura ielām Rūjienas pilsētā, Rūjienas novadā

LTD Rūjienas siltums

Notekūdens savākšanas un ūdensapgādes tīklu izbūve Rūjienā

LTD Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas Laboratorijas un asins sagatvošanas nodaļas pārbūve

Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība

BMX trases un starta ēkas (divi starta kalni 8m un 5m) izbūve Rīgas ielā 91, Valmierā

Valmieras Tehnikums

Divu ūdens uzskaites mezglu montāža Valmieras tehnikuma ēdināšanas blokā

JSC “Latvenergo”

Renovation of the pump station of drinking water and firefighting water pipe at 1 Smerla Street, Riga

JSC “Valmieras stikla skiedra”

Construction of a firefighting water pipe

“Cesu klinika” LTD

Redecoration of the clinic's premises, construction of a ramp and simplified renovation of the sewerage riser

“Ekers” LTD

Construction of the water supply and sewerage networks at 2 Lucas Street, Valmiera

“Graanul Invest” LTD

Construction of ground work, rainwater drainage, concreting and apron flashings for the project ''Entrance drive of Launkalnes Pellet Factory'', ''Ezerini'', Launkalne civ.par., Smiltene Region).

“Latgran” LTD

Construction of ground work, rainwater drainage, concreting and apron flashings, according to the technical project "Construction of the entrance and exit pass-point scanner", Gulbene, Gulbene Region

“LC Buve” LTD

Construction of a water supply and sewerage system at 3 Gogola Street, Riga

“Metala Alianse” LTD

Construction of engineering networks at the site "47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera"

“Valmieras namsaimnieks” LTD

Mounting of a ventilation outlet for the household sewerage above the apartment No. 26 in the apartment house at 18 Georga Apina Street, Valmiera


Construction of the external household sewerage and rainwater drainage networks at 6 Terbatas Street, Valmiera


Development of the construction design and author supervision at the object "Reconstruction of the household sewerage and rain drainage networks at 6 Terbatas Street, Valmiera"

“YIT Infra Latvija” LTD

Construction and connection of a temporary water-pipe system at the site of the Track-and-field arena and stadium at 2 Jana Dalina Street, Valmiera

Owners of the apartments in the residential house at 411 Brivibas gatve, Riga

Replacement of hot water main pipelines to the shut-off valves of the riser in the basement of the residential house at 411 Brivibas gatve, Riga

AOCA “Pie Ezerina”

Thermal insulation of the basement pipelines for the residential house at 16 G. Apina Street, Valmiera

Religious organization “St. Simon's Evangelic Lutheran Church's ”

Construction work on the water supply and sewerage systems, warm floor at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera

“Arcers” LTD

Construction of the internal water supply and sewerage system at the site "Construction of the swimming pool and BMX bike track"

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object “Retail store" at 64 Rigas Street, Valmiera


Construction of the external networks at the object "Construction of the car wash and demolition of the technical maintenance building" at 26A Ausekla Street, Valmiera

“Valpro” Ltd

Construction of the rainwater drainage and reconstruction of the ST at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera


Construction of the rainwater drainage system at 2 L.Lacena Street, Valmiera

“Ekers” Ltd

Emergency repair of the sewer system of the medical room for Valmiera Nursery School “Pienenite” at 5 G.Apina Street, Valmiera

JSC “Latvenergo”

Repair of the internal water pipe at 12 Raina Street, Valmiera

“Ekers” Ltd

Construction of the modular restroom building in Vecpuisu Park, Valmiera

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the heating supply, sewer system and external water supply, sewer, heat supply systems for Ropazi Secondary School at 5 Riga Street, Ropazi


Construction of internal water supply, heat supply, sewer and external water supply, sewer, drainage systems at the object "Rebuilding of the building" into “the Library and Multifunctional Social Services Centre" at 17 Liepu Alley, Babite

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of internal water supply, heat supply, sewer system at the object "Renovation of the hall and entrance-hall of the administrative building" at Kraujas, Tinuzi, Tinuzi civil parish, Ikskiles region


Restoration of the external networks of the sewer at 9 Slimnicas Street, Cesis

Pastarinas Primary School of Cesis Town, Cesis Region Municipality

Repair of the existing in the yard domestic sewer section at 7 Raunas Street, Cesis, Cesis region


Partial replacement of the cold main water pipe in the basement floor of the diagnostic block and hospital block, replacement of the stacks of the sewer and water pipe, bottom pipes of sewer at 9 Slimicas Street, Cesis

Priekuli Region Municipality

Reconstruction of the sewer overpass – transfer of the pumping station in Liepa, Liepa civil parish, Priekuli region

Pārgauja Region Municipality

Repair of the water supply and heating system in the building of Raiskums Elementary School at 2a Alejas Street, Auciems

“Ekers” Ltd

Construction of the water supply and sewer networks at 2 Lucas Street, Valmiera

Provision State Agency

Construction of the State Fire and Rescue Service Depot at 2 Rupniecibas Street, Smiltene

JSC “Valmieras enerģija”

Construction of the water pipe and sewer networks at the object "New construction of the thermal source at 1A Malu Street, Valmiera"

Pargauja Region Municipality

Repair of the water supply and heating system in Raiskums Elementary School, the structural unit of Stalbe Secondary School

Religious organization "Valmiera Holy Simon Evangelic Lutheran Church"

Construction of the heating system and water supply system at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera

“Aris Būve”Ltd

External and internal water and sewer supply work at the object "The 1st phase of the reconstruction of Cesis Town Stadium"

“Cēsu klīnika” Ltd

Restoration of the domestic sewer external networks for “Cēsu klīnika” Ltd, at 9 Slimnicas Street, Cesis

“Cēsu klīnika” Ltd

"Partial replacement of the cold main water pipe in the basement floor of the diagnostic block and hospital block, replacement of the stacks of the sewer and water pipe, bottom pipes of the sewer of the diagnostic block” at 9 Slimicas Street, Cesis


Construction of the modular restroom building in Vecpuisu Park, Valmiera


Repair work at Valmiera Nursery School in “Pienenite”, the structural unit of “Karliena” at 5 Georga Apina Streett, Valmiera


Emergency repair of the sewer system of the medical room for Valmiera Nursery School in “Pienenite”, the structural unit of “Karliena” at 5 Georga Apina Streett, Valmiera

“LC Būve”Ltd

Construction of the water supply and sewer at the object "Energy Efficiency Improvement at the LULST 1st Service Hotel" at 1 Liela Street, Jelgava

“Valpro” Ltd

Construction of the water sewer between lthe buildings No. 007., Nr. 008 and Nr. 009 and reconstruction of the heating main between the buildings No. 008 and No. 009 at 2 L.Kaicena Street, Valmiera

“Vidzemes slimnīca” Ltd

Reconstruction of the Children's Diseases Unit of Vidzeme Hospital

“SUNDIN Mežs” Ltd

Road construction work at the object "Vecpauskas", Pidriki, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region


Renovation of the warm, cold water and sewer system for a multi-apartment residential building at 15 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera


Connection of an industrial building to the centralized sewer system at 5/7 Mala Street, Valmiera

“UPB Nams” Ltd

Designing of the reconstruction and construction work for the pretrial detention facility of Valmiera Prison at 32 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region (1st and 2nd phase - reconstruction of the detention facility building (including the addition to the structure and staircase landings))

“Selva būve” Ltd

Construction of the water and sewer at 13 E.Birznieka Upisa Street, Riga

JSC “Olaines ūdens un siltums”

Replacement of the water supply and sewer stacks and bottom pipes for the residential building at 13 Parka Street, Olaine

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the internal water supply, sewer systems and external water supply, sewer, heat supply systems at the object "Multifunctional Social Service Centre" at 3 Centra Street, Pinki

“Smiltenes NKUP” Ltd

Construction of the water pipe and sewer connection unit in Valkas Street, Smiltene


Construction of the engineering networks at the object "Repair of the premises in the Nursery School No.2 “Ezitis” of Valmiera town municipality at 38 Rubenes Street, Valmiera"

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the internal water supply, heat supply, sewer systems for "The rebuilding of the catering complex in Ulbroka Secondary School" in Valodze, Stopini region

JSC “Olaines ūdens un siltums”

Replacement of the water supply and sewer stands and bottom pipes (in the basement) of the residential building at 13 Parka Street, Olaine

Gulbene Region Council

Construction of the heating system and the internal water supply system for "Doctorats”, in Tirza, Tirza civil parish, Gulbene region

“Rūjienas siltums” MLtd

Reconstruction of the heating and water supply system at 67A Rigas Street, Rujiena

“Evento” Ltd

Construction of the external engineering networks at the object "Area for equipment storage - service, lot at 1 Kaikas Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“Metāla Alianse” Ltd

Construction of the internal water supply and sewer system, the 1st phase of works at 47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera


Construction of the engineering networks at the 2nd Nursery School “Ezitis” at 38 Rubenes Street, Valmiera

“LC Būve”Ltd

Construction of AVK and UK systems, the reconstruction of the facilities for Chemotherapy and Hematology Clinics at 4 Hipokrata Street, Riga

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks“ LTD

Construction of the heating system, heating unit, cold, hot circulating water pipe, domestic sewer, ventilation system and assembly of the plumbing equipment at 6 Kalnamuiza Street, 12 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks” LTD

Construction of the heating system, heating unit, cold, hot circulation water pipe, domestic, kitchen, condensate sewer, ventilation system and cooling systems, assembly of the plumbing equipment at 10 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object “Retail store" at 8a Rupnicas Street, Liepa, Liepa civil parish, Priekuli region

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object "Shopping Centre SILS" at 4 Sloku Street, Valmiera


Construction of the industrially isolated water pipe for the buildings No. 007; 006; 005; 003; 001; 014; 013 at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera


Designing and construction of a partial replacement of the main cold water pipe (in critical condition) in the basement floor at 9 Slimnicas Street, Cesis

JSC “Latvenergo”

Reconstruction of the rainwater and domestic sewer networks at 33 Talavas Street, Valka

Bauska Region Municipal Institution "Ceraukste Civil Parish Administration"

Reconstruction of the domestic wastewater sewer networks in the village "Liellauki", Ceraukste civil parish, Bauska region

“Evento” Ltd.

Construction of the external and internal sewer, heating system for "Saukas kūdra" LTD, construction of the peat substrate production shop in "Saukas", Barkava civil parish, Madona region "

“Evento” Ltd

Construction of the external and internal sewer, heating system and ventilation for "New building of the shopping and service centre" at 36 Darza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object “Retail store" at 8a Rupnicas Street, Liepa, Liepa civil parish, Priekuli region

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object "Shopping Centre SILS" at 4 Sloku Street, Valmiera


Construction of the industrially isolated water pipe for the buildings No. 007; 006; 005; 003; 001; 014; 013 at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera

“SCO Centrs” Ltd

Construction of the water supply and sewer at the landfill site "Janvari", Laidze civil parish, Talsi region

“Rūjienas Siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the water pipe in Vilpulka, Vilpulka civil parish, Rujiena region

Ogre Region Municipality

Reconstruction of the sewage treatment plant and sewer line in Upespils village, Suntazi civil parish


Construction of the ŪK, ŪKT networks at 63 Dzirnavu Street, Riga

“LEC” Ltd

Construction of the sewer external networks and heating main at 10 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region.

JSC “Latvenergo”

Reconstruction of the water pipe with connection to the town water pipe at 4 Raunas Street, Valmiera

“LEC Būve” LTD

Construction of the AVK and UK systems for the Hospital "Gailezers" at 2 Hipokrata Street, Riga

“VTU Valmiera” Ltd

Repairs of the sewer system and sediment trench in Brandeli, Koceni civil parish, Koceni region

JSC “Rīgas Namu apsaimniekotājs”

Reconstruction of the U1 inlet for the residential building at 8/3 Eksporta Street, Riga

“SCO Centrs” Ltd

Construction of the sewer and drainage networks for “Ogres Piens” Ltd

“VRPB” Ltd

Construction of the water supply, sewer and heating at 7 Stacijas Square, Valmiera

“'BN Komforts” Ltd

Construction of the sewer networks at the object Valmiermuiza, at 4 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region


Renovation of the internal and external engineering networks in the project: Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 195 Jumaras Street, 3rd block, Valmiera

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Reconstruction of the engineering networks at the object: "Reconstruction of the building at 24 Bastiona Street "

“ARP Tehnoloģijas” Ltd

Renovation of the engineering networks at the objects "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 3 Vaidavas Street, Valmiera" and "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 5 Vaidavas Street, Valmiera"

“LC Būve” Ltd

The construction of the AVK and UK systems at the object “The reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava town hospital”

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the water supply and sewer networks in Endzele village, Jeri civil parish, Rujiena region


Construction of the external water pipe Ū1, domestic sewer K1, rainwater drain K2, external heating networks at the object "Reconstruction of the building of Vidzeme University College

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Renovation of the engineering networks at the object: "Simplified renovation of the multy-apartment blocbuilding at 35 Cesu Street, Valmiera"

JSC “Rīgas namu apsaimniekotājs”

Repair of the heating, water supply and sewer for the residential buildings at 2 Ganu Street and 9 Dzirnavu Street, Riga


Construction of the internal and external engineering networks at the object "Woodworking plant "Kalni"" in Koceni civil parish, Koceni region

“LC Būve” Ltd

Replacement of the water supply, domestic sewer and central heating systems at the object "The complex repair of the premises for two groups in Baldone Nursery School - NS “Vaverite” at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region”

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the UK, AVK at the object "Reconstruction of Baldone Secondary School. The 3rd phase of the construction of the premises for the Children's Centre in the attic floor of the block"

“CMG” Ltd

Rebuilding of the heating system and water supply at "Doktorats" in Naukseni civil parish, Naukseni region

Stopini Region Council

Construction of the water supply and sewer exterior networks of the Nursery School “Pienenite” in Stopini region

Ogres Region Municipal Agency “Mālkalne”

Replacement of sections in the domestic sewer pipeline from the well to the building inlet at 3 addresses in Ogre

Ogres Region Municipal Agency “Mālkalne”

Replacement of the sewer bottom pipes in the basements of multi-apartment buildings in Ogre

“Viduss un Partneri” Ltd

Construction of the warm water pipe

JSC “Olaines ūdens un siltums”

Replacement of the water supply bottom pipes at the object: 5-storey residential building at 22 Jelgavas Street, Olaine

“Selva Būve” Ltd

Construction of th water supply and heating at the object "4a Lillijas Street, Valmiera"


Renovation of the internal and external engineering networks in the project: Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 193 Jumaras Street, block 3, Valmiera

“Ekostandarts Tehnoloģijas” Ltd

Reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment plant in “VTU Valmiera” Ltd


Simplified renovation of the facades, roofs and internal engineering networks for Ogre Basketball School

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Reconstruction of the engineering networks at the object: "Reconstruction of the building at 24 Bastiona Street"

“Valmiermuižas alus” Ltd

Construction of the sewer system at 2 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region

“VP Komforts” Ltd

Construction of the sewer networks at the object at 4 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region

JSC “Sadales tīkls”

Reconstruction of the external water pipe in "Zibeni", Carnikava, Carnikava region

“VP Komforts” Ltd

Construction of the domestic sewage K1 at the object at 3/5 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region


Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava town hospital

Burtnieki Region Municipality

The construction of the premises in the temporary detention facility at 7 J.Vintena Street, Burtnieki, Burtnieki region

“MDJ” Ltd

Repair of the premises at 2-2 Parka Street, Priekuli, Priekuli civil parish, Priekuli region

Valmiera Town Municipality

Construction of a roof section for Valmiera Pargaujas Primary School at 12a Meza Street, Valmiera

The State Land Service

Demolition of the recreation camp "Ezitis" at "Ezitis", Koceni civil parish, Koceni region

“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Simplified renovation of the multi- apartment residential building at 19 Stacijas Street, Valmiera

LPKS Bauņi

Agricultural shed-equipment storage area

Burtnieki Region Municipality

Reconstruction of Vecate civil parish open-air stage "Parkmali" in Vecate, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region

“VTU Valmiera” Ltd

Repair of the brake parts repair workshop and locker premises

JSC “Olaines siltums un ūdens” 2011/2012

Replacement of the water supply bottom pipes

“Lattelecom” Ltd

Replacement of the water supply pipe at 3 on Brezas Street, Valmiera


Repair of the internal water supply, sewer and heating at the object "Reconstruction of the premises of Korgene Library"

“R.K.F.C.Renesanse” Ltd

"Renovation of the heating system and construction of the water supply at 8 Annas Street, Valmiera"

“RD Būvnieks” Ltd

"Dismantling and assembly of the existing heating and n drainage networks in the building of Valmiera Nursery School “Eiztis“"

JSC “Olaines siltums un ūdens”

"Replacement of the water supply and sewer pipelines"

“LC Būve” Ltd

Reconstruction of the water supply and sewer within the 3rd phase of the reconstruction of Baldone Secondary School”

“LEC” Ltd

"Construction of 110 kv distribution oil drainage"

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

"Reconstruction of the pump station and installation of meters"

“Ādažu namsaimnieks” Ltd

"Repair of the domestic wastewater, sewer system for the building Kadaga-8"

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

"Replacement of the water meters"

“LC Būve” Ltd

"Renovation of heating and UK system in a group of premises of the block 9 in the hospital “Gailezers”"

“LC Būve” Ltd

Renovation of the heating, water supply and sewer in the Surgical Unit of the Hospital “Bikernieki”

“Svillas” Ltd

"Installation of water pipeline and hydrants at the object of the NAF NP APC, renovation of the fire hydrants and water pipe at 38 Vagonu Street, Riga"

Ogre Region Municipal Agency “Mālkalne”

"Replacement of the external and internal sewer pipes"

“DDK Nami” Ltd

Construction of the heating and water supply at the object “Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at "Rozites", Koceni civil parish, Koceni region

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the AVK and UK systems at the object “The reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Hospital”

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the water supply and sewer networks in Endezele village, Jeri civil parish, Rujiena region


Construction of the external water pipe Ū1, domestic sewer K1, rainwater drain K2, external heating networks at the object "Reconstruction of the building of Vidzeme University College"

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Renovation of the engineering networks at the object: "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 35 Cesu Street, Valmiera"

JSC “Rīgas namu apsaimniekotājs”

Repair of the heating, water supply and sewer in residential buildings at 2 Ganu Street and 9 Dzirnavu Street, Riga


Construction of the internal and external engineering networks at the object "Wood processing plant “Kalni"" in Koceni civil parish, Koceni region "

“LC Būve” Ltd

Replacement of the water supply, domestic sewer and central heating systems at the object "The complex repair of the premises for two groups in Baldone Nursery School - NS “Vaverite” at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region”

“LC Būve” Ltd

Construction of the UK, AVK at the object "Reconstruction of Baldone Secondary School. The 3rd phase of the construction of the premises for the Children's Centre in the attic floor of the block"

“CMG” Ltd

Rebuilding of the heating system and water supply at "Doktorāts", Naukseni civil parish, Naukseni region

Association “Zvirgzdukalns”

Replacement of the rainwater drainage in the attic of the multi-apartment building at 45 Rubenes Street, Valmiera

Ikskile Region Municipal General Nursery School “Urdavina”

Replacement of the sewer bottom pipes and repair of heating at the Nursery School "Urdavina"

Iecava Boarding Elementary School

Reconstruction of the internal engineering networks for the boarding school building of Iecava Boarding Elementary School

“R.K.C.F. Renesanse” Ltd

Construction of the plumbing and ventilation systems, external water pipe inlet, sewer outlet and connection at 11 Rujienas Street, Mazsalaca


Reconstruction of the residential building at 15 Maza Nometnu Street, Riga. Construction of the heating, water supply and sewer.

“Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs“ PLtd

Repair of the water supply system at 165 Maskavas Street, Riga. Replacement of the water pipe

Aizkraukle Region Ltd “Lauma A”

Repair of the hot and cold water pipe at 29 Lacplesa Street, Aizkraukle. Replacement of the water pipe stand in the multi-apartment residential buildings.

Riga Municipal Ltd “Daugavas name”

Replacing repair of the lower distribution of the sewer in the residential building at 102 Lokomotives Street, Riga. Replacement of the lower distribution of the sewer in the multi-apartment residential building.

“CMG” Ltd

Repair of the restroom area unit in the Specialized Nursery School “Bitite” of Valmiera town

“CMG” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating, ventilation and water pipes, sewer in Valmiera Secondary School No. 2, Valmiera Secondary School No. 5 and Valmiera Viesturs Secondary School

“Ādažu Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Replacement of the distribution of cold water pipe in the basement

State Agency for Defence Objects

Repair of the hot water pipe at 8 Skanstes Street, Riga

Riga Municipal Ltd “Daugavas name”

Replacement of the hot and circulating water pipe in the residential buildings at 7 Visku Street and 76 Lokomotives Street

AOCS “Annas” 2”

Emergency repair of the outdoor sewer at 2 Annas Street, Valmiera

“Ādažu Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Capital repair of the shared domestic wastewater sewer system in the multi-apartment residential building at Kadaga-7, Adazi

“Ādažu Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Replacement of the shared water supply system in the multi-apartment residential building at Kadaga-9

Ikskile Region Council

Supplementary work for the replacement of the hot and cold water pipeline system in the old block of the Nursery School "Urdavina"

“Lauma A” Ltd

Replacement of the pipelines for the stands at 29 Lacplesa Street, Aizkaucle

Ikskile Region Council

Replacement of the hot and cold water pipeline system in the old block of the Nursery School "Urdavina"

Ligatne Civil Parish Administration

Repair of the heating main and water pipe on the basement floor


Replacement of the hot and circulating water pipe in the residential buildings at 7 Visku Street 7 and 76 Lokomatives Street

“CMG” Ltd

Installation of the water pipe, sewer and plumbing equipment in the Police Academy at 8 Ezermalas Street, Riga

Provision State Agency

Repair of the visitor restroom in the building at 4 Klijanu Street, Riga

“MEHA” Ltd

Construction of the office building at 38A Vienibas gatve, Riga

Provision State Agency

Repair of the visitor restroom in the building at 4 Klijanu Street, Riga. Repair

Ogre Region Municipal Agency „Mālkalne”

Reconstruction of the hot and cold water pipe, in four multi-apartment buildings in Ogre

Ozolnieki Region Council

Reconstruction of the water pipe at Tetele Elementary School at 10 Skolas Street, Tetele, Cena civil parish, Ozolnieki region

Salacgriva Town and Rural Terriroty

Renovation of the heating and water system in the Nursery School "Snipisi"

Kaive Civil Parish Administration

Replacement of the cold water meters in Kaive village

“Ādažu Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Capital repair of the wastewater sewer system in three multi-apartment buildings in Adazi


Reconstruction of the water pipe network and equipment at 11 Parka Street, Mazsalaca

Burtnieki Civil Parish Administration

Assembly of the cold water

JSC “SCO Centrs”

Reconstruction of Valmiera town wastewater treatment plant for rain drainage at 6 Grislu Street,, Valmiera


Construction of the heat supply and water supply at "Mazbrenguli", Dikli civil parish, Valmiera region

“CMG” Ltd

Repair of the plumbing equipment at the object "Reconstruction of Rujiena Community Center"


Repair of the plumbing equipment at 2 Rigas Street, Rujiena

Smiltene Vocational Secondary School No. 29

Replacement of the main water pipeline pipes in the service hotel