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  • Gaides iela 8, Valmiera
  • +371 28624940

Heating circuits

The construction of the external heat supply networks – heating mains, is one of the main types of construction work the company has been performing since its incorporation. The works are carried out all around Latvia, with the most advanced, currently existing technologies, involving only highly qualified certified specialists. The company carries out the construction of underground and overhead pipelines of external heating networks from the heat producer to the heat consumer, using the construction materials meeting all the requirements of the Latvian Construction Standards and the European Union provisions regulating construction: pipes, insulating materials, fittings and operating equipment. Each order is thoroughly analysed coordinating the heat producer’s capabilities with the needs of the heat consumer by means of communication, only afterwards performing the construction work. It is a guarantor for the maximum satisfaction of the customer needs and the achievement of the company’s quality and management system provisions.

Alojas novada dome

Projektēšanas, autoruzraudzība un būvdarbi- jaunas centralizētas siltumapgādes sistēmas izveide ar siltumtrasi, siltummegliem un siltumavotu granulām Vīķos

AS Sadales tīkls

Apkures sistēmas projektēšana un izbūve noliktavas ēkā Stigu ielā 8, Rīgā

Biediba Viesturi 1

Dzīvojamā mājas Viestura laukums 1, Valmiermuiža, Valmieras pagasts, Burtnieku novads siltummezgla izbūves darbi

Burtnieku novada pašvaldība

Vecates pagasta pārvaldes telpu apkures sistēmas pārbūve

Cēsu novada pašvaldība

Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra būvdarbi


Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas būvdarbi Annas ielā 2, Valmierā

Kocēnu novada dome

Virtuves ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūve Jura Neikena Dikļu pamatskolā Dikļos, Kocēnu novadā

Amatas novada Spāres pamatskola

Pavāra klases, vingrošanas zāles un ārstnieciskās vingrošanas zāles ventilācijas sistēmas izbūve

Limbažu novada pašvaldība

Vidrižu pagasta pārvaldes ēkas apkures sistēmas pārbūve


SM, AVK, UK izbūves darbi objektā "Krasta iela 42, Rīgā"


apkures sistēmas un siltummezgla izbūves darbi objektā: "Daudzīvokļi māja, G. Apiņa iela 27a, Valmiera"

SIA Alpex

siltumapgādes sistēmas izbūves darbus objektā "Telpu vienkāršotā atjaunošana VSAC "Rīga" filiālē "Teika", Stāmerienas ielā 4, Rīgā


Ražošanas līnijas apkures kaloriferu siltumapgādes izbūve L Laicēna ielā 4, Valmierā

SIA Carling

Apkures katlu apsaistes mezglu montāža daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā Ābelītes", Brenguļu pagastā, Beverīnas novadā

SIA Ekers

Iekšējie santehnisko tīklu izbūve Valdemāra ielā 26, Rūjienā

SIA Sidlu ceļi

apkures sistēmas izbūves darbi objektā: Dzīvokļa, Rīgā, Baznīcas ielā 27/29 dz.28 vienkāršota atjaunošana

SIA Vidus un Partneri

Ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūves darbi Kocēnu veikalā Alejas ielā 7, Kocēnos

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

1. daļa Neiroloģijas nodaļas pārbūve

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas B korpusa siltummezgla pārbūve

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas esošās gaisapmaiņas sistēmas optimizācija

SIA Wars +

Ventilācijas nosūces sistēmas izbūve objektā „Bērnudārza ēkas daļēja fasādes un telpu grupas vienkāršotā atjaunošana” Kalna ielā 4, Raunā, Raunas pagastā, Raunas novadā

SIA Valmieras Enerģija

Pagaidu pārslēguma izbūve un demontāža Beātes ielā 25a, Valmierā

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūve Skolas ielā 1, Raunā, Raunas pagastā, Raunas novadā

Valmieras Mednieku un makšķernieku biedrība

Siltummezgla pārbūve Lilijas ielā 4, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

DzĪKS Annas 2

Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas būvdarbi Annas ielā 2, Valmierā

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Valmieras novada J.Endzelīna Kauguru pamatskolas apkures sistēmas izbūve

„Arms Group” LTD

Construction of a heat main in Rezekne

„Valmieras Udens” LTD

Reconstruction of the heat main in Voldemara Baloza Street in Valmiera

„Paula Stradina kliniska universitates slimnīca” State LTD

Replacement of the heat main in Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital at 13 Pilsonu Street, Riga


Construction of the rainwater drainage and reconstruction of the heating main at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera


Construction of the heating main at the object "CGS Avoti, Lizums SAT, phase II"

Burtnieku Region Municipality

Construction of the heating main in Laimdotas Street, Burtnieki

JSC “Latvenergo”

Repair of the heating unit at 3 Ziemelu Street, Rezekne


Construction of the heating main at the object "CGS Avoti Lizums to the civil parish", Lizums, Lizums civil parish

“Alpex” Ltd

Construction of the heating main at the object "Construction of the heating main section" in Kadaga, Adazi region

JSC Latvenergo

Repair of the heating main at 240a Latgales Street, Ludza

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks” Ltd

Construction of the engineering networks at the object "New building of the cogeneration station at 2 Vestienas Street, Riga"

“Cēsu Siltumtīkli” Ltd

Rebuilding of the heating main from the heat chamber TK-24 to the branch TK-26, in Cesis, Cesis region

“Cēsu siltumtīkli” Ltd

Rebuilding of the heating main in Saules Street, Cesis

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks” Ltd

Construction of the supplementary engineering networks at the object "New building of the cogeneration station at 2 Vestienas Street, Riga"

“Valpro” Ltd

Construction of water drainage between the buildings No. 007., Nr. 008 and Nr. 009 and reconstruction of the heating main between the buildings No. 008 and no. 009 at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera

“Traumatoloģijas un ortopēdijas slimnīca” Pldt

Reconstruction of the heating main in the Block 1 and 38 of the hospital at 22 Duntes Street, Riga

“Valmieras ūdens” Ltd

Rebuilding of the overpass of the heating main in Riga and Kr.Valdemara Streets, in Valmiera


Rebuilding of the heating main 97.4 m in length at 15 Jauntnes Street, Burtnieki

Ventspils Region Municipality

Rebuilding of the heating main in the village Blazma, Puze civil parish

Burtnieku Region Municipality

Construction of the heating main at the object "Rebuilding of Burtnieki region Burtnieki village heating main from the boiler house at 15 Jaunatnes Street to the multi-apartment building at 15a Jaunatnes Street” in Burtnieki, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region

Municipality agency of Carnikava region “Carnikavas Komunākserviss”

Development of the design, construction work, performance of the author's supervision at the object "Reconstruction of the heating unit at 5 Stacijas Street, Carnikava, construction of the heating unit at 5 Atputas Street, Carnikava and reconstruction of the heating main at 1, 3, 5 Tulpju Street, Carnikava

AOCS “Beāte 21”

Rebuilding of the heating units at 13 Darza Street, Valmiera


Replacement of communication pipelines in the tunnels between the Blocks No. 18 and No. 15, at 13 Pilsonu Street, Riga


Construction of the heating main at the object "CGS Avoti, Lizums SAT, phase I"

“Cēsu siltumtīkli” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating main from the heat chamber TK-22 to the branch TK-22-1a in Cesis, Cesis region

“Saulkrastu Komunālserviss” Ltd

Repair of the heating mains in Zvejniekciems, Saulkrasti region

Ventspils Region Municipality

Rebuilding of the heating main from the boiler house to the garages in Blazma village, Puze civil parish, Ventspils region

“Traumatoloģijas un ortopēdijas slimnīca” PLtd

Rebuilding of the heating main at the Blocks 1 and 38 of the hospital at 22 Duntes Street, Riga

“Lubānas KP” Ltd

Reconstruction of the overpass and distribution system in Skolas and Brivibas Streets in Lubana, Lubana region


Reconstruction of the heat supply for the buildings No. 007,006,005,003,001,014,013 at 2 L.Laicena Street, Valmiera

Viduci Elementary School, Vilaka Region

Establishment of connections to the heating networks in Viduci Elementary School, in "Pienenes", Semenova village, Medneva civil parish, Vilaka region

“Barkavas KPS” Ltd

Construction for the project "Increase of the heat transfer efficiency of the centralized heat supply system in Barkava village, Madona region

“Saulkrastu komunālserviss” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating mains in Zvejnieksciems

JSC “Latvenergo”

Reconstruction of the heating mains in Zvejnieksciems

“Vangažu Namsaimnieks” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating networks in Vangazi

Baldone Region Council

Replacement of the underground section of the heating main at the Nursery School “Vaverite” at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region

State Social Care Centre “Riga”

Elimination of crash in the heating main and replacement of the heating main at the branch "Rīga", 31-18 Kapselu Street, Riga

“Cēsu siltumtīkli” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating main in the block between Akmens and Valmieras Streets, Cesis

“LEC” Ltd

Construction of the sewer external networks and heating main at 10 Kalnamuiza, Smiltene, Smiltenes region

“Valmieras ūdens” Ltd

Reconstruction of the main heating main in the section from Kauguru Street to Rupniecibas Street, Valmiera

“Valmieras ūdens” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating main in Marijas and Vadu Street, Valmiera

Koceni Region Council

Simplified renovation of the heating main, in Berzainis village, Koceni region as far as "Liepu" house

JSC “Stora Enso Latvija”

Repair of the heating main at the object "Krogzemji", Smiltene, Launkalne region

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of heating networks for the blocks in Rujiena


Construction of the external water pipe Ū1, domestic sewer K1, rainwater drain K2, external heating networks at the object "Reconstruction of the building of Vidzeme University College


Delivery, installation of the pellet boiler and reconstruction of the heating main in Balvi nursing home

Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies

Construction of the heating unit of the LULST boiler house and heating main at 1 Strazdu Street, Jelgava

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of heating networks for the blocks in Rujiena

“Valmieras siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating main in Kauguru Street, Valmiera

“RD Būvnieks” Ltd

Repairs of the external heating networks in Valmiera prison

“Rūjienas siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating networks for the blocks in Rujiena


Construction of the external water pipe Ū1, domestic sewer K1, rainwater drain K2, external heating networks at the object "Reconstruction of the building of Vidzeme University College"


Delivery, installation of the pellet boilers, reconstruction of the heating main in Balvi nursing home

Latvia University of Life Science and Tecnologies

Construction of the heating unit of the LULST boiler house and heating main at 1 Strazdu Street, Jelgava

“Cesvaines siltums” Ltd

Reconstruction of the heating main and construction of the heating units in Cesvaine, Madonas district

Ligatne Civil Parish Administration

Repair of the heating main and water pipeline in the basement floor

Ligatne Civil Parish Administration

Repair of the heating mains of the school in Ligatne Civil Parish Elementary School