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  • Gaides iela 8, Valmiera
  • +371 28624940

Heating and ventilation

Construction company SANART Ltd has been involved in the construction of heat supply and ventilation systems since the foundation, continuously perfecting the technologies of work performance and improving the quality. The customer is provided with the performance of full-cycle internal heating network operations including assembly of heat units, installation of heating devices and boilers, repair and reconstruction of networks. The orders for the installation of heat pumps and the construction of underground collectors are being fulfilled. The company’s specialists are ready to complete the construction of any type of ventilation system, including the assembly of air exchange and preparation equipment. The company also has good experience in the construction, repair and reconstruction of boiler houses and boiler rooms. In order to provide the customer with the highest quality services, the firm’s specialists undergo annual training sessions and take part in qualification upgrading activities.

Ogres novada pašvaldības SIA "MS siltums"

Siltumtīklu pārbūve Lielvārdē uz Lielvārdes pamatskolu un Avotu ielu 14


Siltummezgla un apkures sistēmas izbūve objektā "Sporta zāles korpusa pārbūve par rehabilitācijas centru"

Valmieras enerģija AS

Šķeldas siltumavota jaunbūve Valmierā, Ausekļa ielas kvartālā

Valmieras namsaimnieks SIA

Dzīvojamās mājas Smiltenes ielā 1A, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā siltummezgla pārbūve

JK Building SIA

Apkures sistēmu izbūves darbi Priekuļos, Dārza ielā 8

Rīgas meži SIA

Katrīnas mežniecības grīdas konstrukcijas pārbūve, siltās grīdas ierīkošana, apkures sistēmas gaiss-ūdens un ventilācijas sistēmas uzstādīšana

Latvenergo AS

"Siltumsūkņu gaiss-ūdens uzstādīšana AS "Latvenergo" objektos "Siltumsūkņa gaiss-ūdens uzstādīšana Rīgas HES saimniecības teritorijā saimnieciskajam patēriņam (ēka Nr.3))" un "Siltumsūkņa gaiss-ūdens uzstādīšana Ķeguma HES-2 saimnieciskajam siltuma patēriņam (garāžas, noliktavas, muzeja krātuve))""


Ūdens , kanalizācijas un apkures iekšējo tīklu izbūve objektā „ Stādu uzglabāšanas noliktavas, administrācijas, sadzīves un ražošanas ēkas, tehnikas nojumju jaunbūve saimniecībā “Zābaki” Krimuldas pagastā, Siguldas novadā”

Sadales tīkls AS

Siltumsūkņa projektēšana un izbūve Augļu ielā 2, Siguldā, Sigulas novadā

Cēsu novada pašvaldība

Rekuperācijas sistēmas izbūve Cēsu pilsētas 4.pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes telpās

Zvārtas iela 5, Biedrība

Gāzes iekārtas nomaiņa un apkures mezgla pārbūve/rekonstrukcija Zvārtas ielā 5, Līvos, Drabešu pagastā, Cēsu novadā

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Smiltenes novada sporta skolas pārbūves būvprojekta izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un būvdarbi

Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca VSIA

Maģistrālo siltumtīklu remontdarbi Strenču psihoneiroloģiskās slimnīcas vajadzībām

Rīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldības Mājokļu un vides departaments

Apkures sistēmas pārbūve Kapsētu pārvaldes I Meža kapsētas administrācijas ēkā

Bitus Latvia

Siltummezgla izbūve un ārējo siltumapgādes tīklu izbūves darbi Jorvika, Kocēnu pagasts


Zivju pārstrādes ceha pārbūve Muižas ielā 16, Ādažos

Latvenergo AS

Divu siltumsūkņu gaiss-ūdens uzstādīšana HES Tilta ielā 2, Aizkraukle

Ogres novada pašvaldības SIA "MS siltums"

Siltumtīklu pārbūve Lielvārdē uz Lielvārdes pamatskolu un Avotu ielu 14


Siltummezgla un apkures sistēmas izbūve objektā "Sporta zāles korpusa pārbūve par rehabilitācijas centru"


“Ārējo siltumtīklu būvniecība un katlumājas novietošana”, "Rožkalni", Rencēnu pagasts, Valmieras novads

Cēsu novada Pārgaujas apvienības pārvalde

Stalbes pagasta siltumtrases pārbūve Stalbē, Stalbes pagastā, Cēsu novadā

Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde

Ūdensvada pievada izbūves darbi Matīšu ev. Lut. Baznīcai Valmieras ielā 3, Matīšos , Valmieras novadā

DZĪKS Stalbes Gaismas

Siltummezgla montāža dzīvojamai mājai Gaismas, Stalbes pagastā, Cēsu novadā


Ventilācijas, kondicionēšanas, un apkures sistēmu, ūdensvada un kanalizācijas būvniecības darbi Mūrmuižas ielā 18, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

Ropažu novada pašvaldība

Gaismas pamatskolas katlumājas pārbūve

SIA "Valmieras namsaimnieks"

Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā Smiltenes ielā 2A Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

SIA Adven Latvia

Siltumavota efektivitātes paaugstināšana Cēsīs, Bērzaines ielas kvartālā. Katlumājas uzstādīšana

SIA Adven Latvia

Gāzes apkures katla nomaiņa Turaidas ielā


Katlu mājas rekonstrukcija valsts sociālās aprūpes centra "Zemgale" filiālē "Valka", Indrānu ielā 5, Valkā, Valkas novadā


Katlu mājas rekonstrukcija valsts sociālās aprūpes centra "Zemgale" filiālē "Rūja", Jeru pagastā, Valmieras novadā

SIA BaltService

SM tīklu izbūve Jūrmalas gatve 82, Rīga


Vēdināšanas- gaisa kondicionēšanas, siltummezgla, apkures ražotnes daļā, ūdensvads-kanalizācija, siltumapgādes ārējie tīkli un ūdensapgādes-kanalizācijas ārējo tīklu izbūve objektā CSA poligons Daibe, Stūri, Stalbes pagasts, Cēsu novads

SIA Kvartāls

AVK un Ūk tīklu izbūve Skolas ielā 1, Gulbenē

SIA LC būve

UK, SM, AVK izbūves darbi objektā "Stacionāra "Latvijas Onkoloģijas centrs" ēkas B Korpusa - Ķīmijterapijas Dienas stacionāra paplašināšana", Hipokrāta ielā 4, Rīgā

SIA Stalbes Agro

Siltummezgla montāža Mehāniskās darbnīcas un Muižarāji, Stalbes pagastā, Cēsu novadā

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra un grupu dzīvokļu ēku būvprojektu korekciju izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un atlikušie būvdarbi

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Apkures sistēmas ierīkošana Rīgas ielā 25, Valmierā

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes pārbūve Palejas ielā 5, Valmierā

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Ventilācijas sistēmas papildināšana Nākotnes ielā 1, Vaidavā, Valmieras pagastā, Valmieras novadā

Valsts aizsardzības militāro objektu un iepirkumu centrs

Būvdarbi siltumapgādes nodrošināšanai ēkā (003) objektā Ķīšezera iela 27B, Rīgā

VAS Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija

CSDD Madonas klientu apkalpošanas centra ēkas siltummezgla pārbūve

VSIA "Strenču psihineiroloģiskā slimnīca"

Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca stacionāra 6.nodaļas ēkas būvdarbu kopums

Alojas novada dome

Projektēšanas, autoruzraudzība un būvdarbi- jaunas centralizētas siltumapgādes sistēmas izveide ar siltumtrasi, siltummegliem un siltumavotu granulām Vīķos

AS Sadales tīkls

Apkures sistēmas projektēšana un izbūve noliktavas ēkā Stigu ielā 8, Rīgā

Biediba Viesturi 1

Dzīvojamā mājas Viestura laukums 1, Valmiermuiža, Valmieras pagasts, Burtnieku novads siltummezgla izbūves darbi

Burtnieku novada pašvaldība

Vecates pagasta pārvaldes telpu apkures sistēmas pārbūve

Cēsu novada pašvaldība

Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra būvdarbi


Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas būvdarbi Annas ielā 2, Valmierā

Kocēnu novada dome

Virtuves ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūve Jura Neikena Dikļu pamatskolā Dikļos, Kocēnu novadā

Amatas novada Spāres pamatskola

Pavāra klases, vingrošanas zāles un ārstnieciskās vingrošanas zāles ventilācijas sistēmas izbūve

Limbažu novada pašvaldība

Vidrižu pagasta pārvaldes ēkas apkures sistēmas pārbūve


SM, AVK, UK izbūves darbi objektā "Krasta iela 42, Rīgā"


apkures sistēmas un siltummezgla izbūves darbi objektā: "Daudzīvokļi māja, G. Apiņa iela 27a, Valmiera"

SIA Alpex

siltumapgādes sistēmas izbūves darbus objektā "Telpu vienkāršotā atjaunošana VSAC "Rīga" filiālē "Teika", Stāmerienas ielā 4, Rīgā


Ražošanas līnijas apkures kaloriferu siltumapgādes izbūve L Laicēna ielā 4, Valmierā

SIA Carling

Apkures katlu apsaistes mezglu montāža daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā Ābelītes", Brenguļu pagastā, Beverīnas novadā

SIA Ekers

Iekšējie santehnisko tīklu izbūve Valdemāra ielā 26, Rūjienā

SIA Sidlu ceļi

apkures sistēmas izbūves darbi objektā: Dzīvokļa, Rīgā, Baznīcas ielā 27/29 dz.28 vienkāršota atjaunošana

SIA Vidus un Partneri

Ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūves darbi Kocēnu veikalā Alejas ielā 7, Kocēnos

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

1. daļa Neiroloģijas nodaļas pārbūve

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas B korpusa siltummezgla pārbūve

SIA Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas esošās gaisapmaiņas sistēmas optimizācija

SIA Wars +

Ventilācijas nosūces sistēmas izbūve objektā „Bērnudārza ēkas daļēja fasādes un telpu grupas vienkāršotā atjaunošana” Kalna ielā 4, Raunā, Raunas pagastā, Raunas novadā

SIA Valmieras Enerģija

Pagaidu pārslēguma izbūve un demontāža Beātes ielā 25a, Valmierā

Smiltenes novada pašvaldība

Ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūve Skolas ielā 1, Raunā, Raunas pagastā, Raunas novadā

Valmieras Mednieku un makšķernieku biedrība

Siltummezgla pārbūve Lilijas ielā 4, Valmierā, Valmieras novadā

DzĪKS Annas 2

Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas būvdarbi Annas ielā 2, Valmierā

Valmieras novada pašvaldība

Valmieras novada J.Endzelīna Kauguru pamatskolas apkures sistēmas izbūve

Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība

Valmieras Viestura vidusskolas pārbūves 1.un 2.kārta

LTD Rūjienas siltums

Siltumapgādes tīklu rekonstrukcija un izbūve Rūjienā, 2.kārta

Smiltenes novada dome

Rūpnieciskās ražošanas ēkas būvniecība Limbažu ielā 8, Smiltenē

Valts izglītības attīstības aģentūra

Smiltenes tehnikuma dienestu viesnīcas pārbūves darbi un mācību manēžas jaunbūves darbi

AS Latvenergo

Apkures sistēmas pārbūve administrācijas ēkai "Juglaslīči", Stopiņu pagastā, Stopiņu novadā

Biedrība Saulzemes 24

Siltummezgla pārbūves darbi Saullēkti, Bērzaine, Kocēnu novads

Burtnieku novada pašvaldība

Apkures katla pārbūve "Vecates pagasta kulturas centrs, Vecate, Vecates pagasts Burtnieku novads

Dzīvokļu kooperatīvā sabiedrība VINNE

Siltummezgla pārbūves darbi Stacijas ielā 15, Valmierā

Gulbenes novada dome

Ēkas "Jaungulbenes Alejas" pārbūve par sociālās aprūpes centru

Mūrmuižas daudzdzīvokļu mājas VĀRPAS apsaimniekošanas biedrība

Apkures stāvvadu noslēgarmatūras nomaiņa, Vārpas, Mūrmuiža, Kauguru pagasts, Beverīnas novads

Pārgaujas novada pašvaldība

Katlu mājas atjaunošana Straupē

Saulkrastu novada dome

Siltumtrases izbūve no Smilšu ielas 3 uz Smilšu ielu 7 un siltummezgla izbūve Smilšu ielā 7, Saulkrastos, Saulkrastu novadā

Saulkrastu novada dome

Siltummezgla izbūves darbi Smilšu ielā 3, Saulkrastos, Saulkrastu novadā

Aimasa LTD

Iekšējo inženiertīklu izbūve objektā "Veikals "Mini Maxima"", Valdemāra ielā 2, Rūjienā

LTD Aimasa

AVK izbūves darbi objektā "HB New būvniecības darbi "Jorvika 2", Kocēnu pagasts, Kocēnu novads

LTD BaltService

Apkures un siltumapgādes tīklu izbūve objektā "Ražošanas ēkas jaunbūve", Varoņu iela 37A, 39A, Valka, Valkas novads

LTD Cēsu klīnika

Plaušu slimības kabinetu izbūve, Uzņemšanas nodaļas remonts, Ieejas sakārtošana pie morga, Ieejas nojumes remonts

LTD Ekers

Dažādu sociālo grupu kopdzīvojamās mājas iekšējā ūdensvada un kanalizācijas, apkures, ventilācijas un ārējo tīklu pārbūve Ūdens ielā 2C, Valmierā

LTD Fortum Jelgava

Individuālo siltumpunktu ierīkošanas būvdarbi projektā "Siltumenerģijas pārvades un sadales sistēmas efektivitātes paaugstināšana Jelgavā"


Apkures, ventilācijas un siltumapgādes būvdarbi objektā "Garāžas pārbūve par zivju audzētavu"

LTD Jumis SP

Siltummezgla pārbūves darbi, Lazdas, Bērzaines pagasts, Kocēnu novads


Apkures sistēmas pārbūve, Pavasars, Rauna

LTD Rūjienas siltums

Siltumapgādes tīklu rekonstrukcija un izbūve Rūjienā, 1.kārta

LTD Vidzemes slimnīca

Siltummezgla pārbūves darbi Jumaras ielā 195, Valmierā, Slimnīcas A korpusā

LTD Vidzemes slimnīca

Vidzemes slimnīcas Laboratorijas un asins sagatvošanas nodaļas pārbūve

Valkas novada dome

Ventilācijas sistēmas pārbūve Kārķu tautas namā

Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība

BMX trases un starta ēkas (divi starta kalni 8m un 5m) izbūve Rīgas ielā 91, Valmierā

Municipality of Beverina Region

Installation of a central heating system and construction of a boiler house for an apartment house "Lazdas", Beverina Region

Municipality of Cesis Region

Construction of the heat supply system for Livi Primary School

Council of Jurmala City

Reconstruction of the heating unit of Jurmala City Museum at 29 Tirgonu Street, Majori, Jurmala

Council of Jurmala City

Reconstruction of the heating unit in Jurmala pre-school educational institution "Madaras" at 1 Terbatas Street, Jurmala

Council of Rauna Region

Repair of the ventilation system at 6 Dika Street, Rauna, Rauna Civil Parish and repair of the ventilation heat supply system of the kindergarten at 4 Kalna Street, Rauna

“Ekers” LTD

Replacement of the radiators at 6-14 Darza Street, Valmiera

“Evento” LTD

Construction of the warm floor at HES Grube, Ape Civil Parish, Ape Region

“Metala Alianse” LTD

Construction of the engineering networks at the object "47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera"

“Metala Alianse” LTD

Construction of the supply ventilation

AOCA "Pie Ezera"

Thermal insulation of the basement pipelines for the residential house at 16 G. Apina Street, Valmiera

Religious organization “St. Simon's Evangelic Lutheran Church”

Construction work on the water supply and sewerage systems, warm floor at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera Construction work on the water supply and sewerage systems, warm floor at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera Construction work on the water supply and sewerage systems, warm floor at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera

Council of Ape Region

Replacement of the heating boiler in Ape Secondary School

Municipality of Pargauja Region

Installation of heat meters

“Ventmart” LTD

Construction of the heating units at the object: Newly built apartment building at 92 Jurmalas gatve, Riga; 2C Akaciju Street, Riga; 2C Akaciju Street, building 1a, Riga; 2C Akaciju Street, building 1B, Riga

Council of Gulbene Region

Replacement of the heating boiler with the construction of hot water supply networks at PEI "Pienenite" and replacement of the heating boiler in the administration building of Stameriena Civil Parish

“BN Komforts” LTD

Reconstruction of the heating unit for the apartment houses at 1 Lacplesa Street, Burtnieki, Burtnieki Region

R.K.C.F. Renesanse” LTD

Construction of engineering networks at the object „Retail store” at 64 Riga Street, Valmiera


Replacement of radiators at 2a Seminaru Street, Valmiera


Reconstruction of the boiler connection system at 2 Lilijas Street, Valmiera

Evento” LTD

Construction works in the milking facility at "Jaunpungi", Vijciems civil parish, Valka region

Association at 15a Jaunatnes Street

Replacement of the isolation valves of the heating stacks at 15a Jaunatnes Street, Burtnieki


Repair work at the Nursery School “Pienenite”at 5 Georga Apina Street, Valmiera


Construction of modular toilet building in Vecpuisu Park, Valmiera

LC Būve” LTD

Construction of heat supply, sewer system and external water supply, sewer, heat supply system in Ropazi Secondary School, at 5 Rigas Street, Ropazi


Replacement of a heating boiler at 2 Tilta Street, Aizkraukle

LC Būve” LTD

Construction of internal water supply, heat supply, sewer system at the object "Renovation of the hall and entrance-hall of the administrative building" at Kraujas, Tinuzi, Tinuzi civil parish, Ikskiles region

Association “Līgotnes saime”

Replacement of the isolation valves of the heating stacks in Ligotne, Murmuiza, Kauguri civil parish, Beverina region

Cesis Region Municipality

Construction of heating at Livi Elementary School in Krivi, Vaive civil parish, Cesis region

Avoti SWF” LTD

Assembly work of the heating system for the boiler house in Lizums, Lizuma civil parish


Construction of heating units for a residential building at 1 Laimdotas Street, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region


Construction work of heating units for the object "Lizuma biomasas katlu māja, Lizums, Lizums civil parish"


Transfer of the coolant in Liza


Construction of heating and ventilation system at the object "Rebuilding of the woodworking plant "Kalni", Koceni civil parish, Koceni region"

Gulbene Region Council

Construction of heating system at 65 Riga Street, Gulbene

Pārgauja Region Municipality

Renovation of internal engineering networks in Raiskums Elementary School at 2a Alejas Street, Auciems

Metāla Alianse” LTD

The 2nd phase of construction of heating system and heating unit II at 47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera

Metāla Alianse” LTD

Connection work for heating boiler at 47 L.Paegles Street, Valmiera

Metāla Alianse” LTD

Construction of the heating system at the object "Construction of the heating system for the 3rd floor at 47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera”

Pārgauja Region Municipality

Repair of the water supply and heating system at Raiskums Elementary School at 2a Alejas Street, Auciems

Pārgauja Region Municipality

Renovation of the heating unit in a multi-apartment residential building “Kalmes”

Provision State Agency

Construction of the State Fire and Rescue Service Depot at 2 Rupniecibas Street, Smiltene

Cesis Region Municipality

Restoration of the building of Pastarins Primary School of Cesis town to become a low-energy consumption building at 7 Raunas Street, Cesis, Cesis region

JSC “Valmieras enerģija”

Construction of a new heating source at 1A Mala Street 1A, Valmiera

Pārgauja Region Municipality

Repair of the water supply and heating system in Raiskums Elementary School, the structural unit of Stalbe Secondary School

Rauna Region Council

Construction of the gym in Rauna Secondary School

Religious organization "Valmiera Holy Simon Evangelic Lutheran Church"

Assembly of the connection system of the heating boiler at the object "Construction of the heating system and water supply system at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera"

Religious organization "Valmiera Holy Simon Evangelic Lutheran Church"

Construction of the heating system and water supply system at 2 Veides Street, Valmiera

Ekers” LTD

Repair work at Valmiera Nursery School in “Pienenite”, the structural unit of “Karliena” at 5 Georga Apina Streett, Valmiera

Evento” LTD

Construction of the heating at the object milking facility "Jaunpungi", Vijciems civil parish, Valka region

Vidzemes slimnīca” LTD

Reconstruction of the Department of Children's Diseases of Vidzeme Hospital

PJSC “Tiesu namu aģentūra”

Reconstruction of the heating system in the administrative building at 6 Antonijas Street, Riga

Ulbroka Secondary School

Repair of the ventilation heating unit in Ulbroka Secondary School, in the village "Valodze", Stopini region

“UPB Nams” LTD

Designing of the reconstruction and construction work for the pretrial detention facility of Valmiera Prison at 32 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region (1st and 2nd phase - reconstruction of the detention facility building (including the adjustment structure and staircase landings))

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of the internal water supply, sewer system and the external water supply, sewer, heat supply system in the Multifunctional Social Services Centre at 3 Centra Street, Pinki

„«SM Energo»” LTD

Replacement of the heat exchanger at 16 Rigas Street, Smiltene


Construction of the engineering networks in the Nursery School “Ezitis”, at 38 Rubenes Street, Valmiera

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of the internal water supply, heat supply, sewer system at the catering complex of Ulbroka Secondary School, in Valodze, Stopini region

Association at 15a Jaunatnes Street

Reconstruction of the heating unit at 15a Jaunatnes Street, Burtnieki, Burtnieki region

Municipality agency of Carnikava region “Carnikavas Komunākserviss”

Development of the design, construction work, performance of the author's supervision at the object "Reconstruction of the heating unit at 5 Stacijas Street, Carnikava, construction of the heating unit at 5 Atputas Street, Carnikava and reconstruction of the heating main at 1, 3, 5 Tulpju Street, Carnikava"

Cesis Region Municipality

Reconstruction of the heat supply in the buildings with cadastral designation No. 42010052610001 at 23 Rigas Street, Cesis, Cesis region

Municipal LTD “Rūjienas siltums”

Reconstruction of the heating and water supply system at 67A Rigas Street, Rujiena


Replacement of the communication pipelines in the tunnels between the building No. 18 and No. 15, at 13 Pilsonu Street, Riga

“Metāla Alianse” LTD

The connection of the heating boiler at the object "The 1st phase of the construction of the heating system and heating unit at 47 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera"

“Orions Loģistika” LTD

Delivery and assembly of the technological equipment and structures at 67A Riga Street, Rujiena

SM Energo Smiltene

Replacement of the heat exchanger for the heating

Smiltene Technical Secondary School

Rebuilding and renovation of the ventilation system at 10 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene

“LC Būve” LTD

Construction of AVK and UK systems, the reconstruction of the facilities for Chemotherapy and Hematology Clinics at 4 Hipokrata Street, Riga

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks“ LTD

Construction of the heating system, heating unit, cold, hot circulating water pipe, domestic sewer, ventilation system and assembly of the plumbing equipment at 6 Kalnamuiza Street, 12 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“Valkas Meliorācija” LTD

Reconstruction of the heating system at 70 Talavas Street, Valka


Construction of the air conditioning system at 4 Hipokrata Street, Riga

“Latvijas Energoceltnieks” LTD

Construction of the heating system, heating unit, cold, hot circulation water pipe, domestic, kitchen, condensate sewer, ventilation system and cooling systems, assembly of the plumbing equipment at 10 Kalnamuiza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

“DDK Nami” LTDv

Renovation of the heat supply systems in the multi-apartment residential building at 7 Viestura Square, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region

Amata Region Municipality

Purchase and installation of the new pellet boilers, reconstruction of the boiler house and renovation of the heating systems in Drabesi Boarding Elementary School, Amata region

Vecpiebalga Region Municipality

Assembly of the balancing valves replacement of radiators in the assembly hall and staircase landings on Vecpiebalga Secondary School, at 2 Gaismas Street, Vecpiebalga

“SCO Centrs” LTD

Heating and ventilation systems and construction work in Zilakalna Public Building at 1 Kulturas Street, Zilaiskalns, Zilaiskalns civil parish, Koceni region

“SCO Centrs” LTD

Design and construction of the heating system at JSC "Valmieras stikla šķiedra" - neutralization of industrial waste water and recovery of sulfuric acid at the station at 13 Cempu Street, Valmiera


Dismantling and installation of the ventilation system "Maxima" at 49 Rupniecibas Street, Madona

“Mazais Ansis” LTD

Construction of the heating system in "Ansisi", Rubene, Koceni civil parish, Koceni region

Seja Region Council

Installation of the individual gas heating for the apartment in "Kamenes" -8, Seja region

JSC “Latvenergo”

Repair of the pressure regulating equipment and circulation pump automatic devices at 12 Raina Street, Valmiera

“Evento” LTD

Construction of the external and internal sewer, heating system for "Saukas kūdra" LTD, construction of the peat substrate production shop in "Saukas", Barkava civil parish, Madona region "

“Evento” LTD

Construction of the external and internal sewer, heating system and ventilation for "New building of the shopping and service centre" at 36 Darza Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region

Vecpiebalga Region Municipality

Reconstruction of the internal heating system in the building of Secondary School

“Baltservice” LTD

Construction of cooling supply at the object “Reconstruction of the heating unit building for the pill manufacturing plant, at 5 Rupnicas Street, Olaine, Olaine region”

“Alpex” LTD

Replacement of the heating boiler at 8 Avotu Street, Madona

“Alpex” LTD

Replacement of the heating boiler in "Krauklu Depo", Cesvaine civil parish, Cesvaine region

“JJK Serviss” LTD

Construction of the fire fighting system Ū2, heating unit afort JSC "Olainfarm", at 5 Rupnicu Street, Olaine, Olaine region

“LEC Būve” LTD

Construction of the AVK and UK systems for the Hospital "Gailezers" at 2 Hipokrata Street, Riga

“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” LTD

Replacement of the heating bottom pipe section and insulation of the pipelines of the multi-apartment residential building at 13 Zvejnieku Street, Valmiera

“Jūrmalas slimnīca” LTD

Construction within the reconstruction of the heating unit in the buildings of “Jurmalas slimnica” Ltd

“SCO Centrs” LTD

Replacement of the pipeline heat insulation in the building of “Vidzemes slimnica” at 195 Jumaras Street, Valmiera

“Taupi” LTD

Installation of the ventilation system in the building of Jeri Elementary School

“L.A.Meistars” LTD

Construction of heating works at the object of “Reconstruction of the mechanical workshop, forging shop” in "Piladzi", Renceni civil parish, Burtnieki region

Inga Denisenko

Assembly of the mixing unit of the heating system at 57 Rigas Street, Rujiena, Rujiena region

“DDK Nami” LTD

Replacement of the heating unit and heating radiator in a multi-apartment building at 9 Gaujas Street, Valmiera

Valka Region Council

Construction of the ventilation system at Valka Music School named after J.Cimze

“Valmiermuižas alus” LTD

Construction of the ventilation system at 2a Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza

“SCO Centrs” LTD

Rebuilding of the suction ventilation of the drying chambers for the devices S22-1,2,3,4 in the Acid Treatment Department at 13 Cempu Street, Valmiera

Valmiera Town Municipality

Plumbing and technical work at 42 Rigas Street, Valmiera

“Remko” LTD

Repair of the heat supply in Rimi store

“Baltservice” LTD

Construction of the conditioning system in the hospital “Gaiļezers”


Repair of the premises within the administrative building, reconstruction of the heating system at 4a Livkalnu Street, Sigulda

JSC “Latvenergo”

Installation of the thermostatic valves for the heating elements of the heating system at 2 Pentes Street, Rujiena


Construction of the water supply, sewer and heating at the object at 7 Stacijas Square, Valmiera

“BaltService” LTD

Assembly of the ventilation and cooling system at 1 Republikas Square, Riga

“Valmiermuižas alus” LTD

Construction of the ventilation at 2 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region

“4Pluss” LTD

Establishment of the heating system

Koceni Region Council

Construction of the heating system of Dikli civil parish municipality in "Gravelsini", Dikli, Dikli civil parish, Koceni region


Replacement and repair of the filters for the ventilation unit at the object at 4 Rigas Street, Valmiera"


Connection of the fireplace at the object at "DUS Akrona, Koni civil parish, Naukseni region

„BaltService” LTD

Construction of the cooling system at the object “Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Town Hospital”

“BaltService” LTD

Construction of the heaters at the object “Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Town Hospital”

Iecava Secondary School

Reconstruction of the heating system in the building of Iecava Secondary School

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of AVK and UK systems at the object “Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Town Hospital”

„Rūjienas siltums” LTD

Reconstruction of the heat networks for the blocks in Rujiena

„R.K.C.F. Renesanse” LTD

Renovation of the engineering networks at the object: "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 35 Cesu Street, Valmiera"


Construction of the internal and external engineering networks at the object "Wood processing plant "Kalni"" in Koceni civil parish, Koceni region"


Delivery and installation of the pellet boilers and reconstruction of the heat pipe in the Balvi Nursing Home


Renovation of the heat supply system at the object "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 6 Abulas Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region"


Renovation of the heat supply system at the object “Simplified renovation for the efficiency improvement of the multi-apartment residential building at 3 Rigas Street 3, II building, Smiltene”

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

Construction of the heating unit and heating main for the LULST boiler house at 1 Strazdu Street, Jelgava


Installation of gas boiler at 6 Bukaisu Street, Riga

„LC Būve” LTD

Replacement of the water supply, domestic sewer and central heating system at the object "The complex repair of the premises for two groups in Baldone Nursery School - NS “Vaverite” at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region”

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of the UK, AVK at the object "Reconstruction of Baldone Secondary School. The 3rd phase of the construction of the premises for the Children's Centre in the attic floor of the block."


Construction of the heating and ventilation system at the object "Construction of a PVC window production plant in the existing service building" at Rozites 1, Matisi civil parish, Burtnieki region


Rebuilding of the heating system and water supply at "Doktorats", Naukseni civil parish, Naukseni region

„Valmiermuižas alus” LTD

Construction of the ventilation at 2 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil palrish, Burtnieki region

„Tehauto” LTD

Cosmetic repair of the premises and construction of the heating system at 60 Beatas Street, Valmiera


Reconstruction of the heating system and the 3rd floor covering ceiling in the building No. 003 of the training block of the NAF Infantry School

Stopini Region Council

Execution of the construction projected in the designs of the heating and ventilation system changes of the Nursery School “Pienenite” in Stopini region

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of the heating system and heating units at the object "Simplified renovation of the facades, roofs and internal engineering networks of Ogre Bastketball School" at 32 Malkalnes Avenue, Ogre

„Selva Būve” LTD

Construction of the water supply and heating at the object "4a Lillijas Street, Valmiera"

„Selva Būve” LTD

Delivery and assembly of the air-conditioner at the object "4a Lillijas Street, Valmiera"

„«LC Būve»” LTD

Repair of radiator heating system at the object " Simplified Renovation of the premises in the building of Riga Hanseatic Secondary School at 5 Grostonas Street"

„Selva Būve” LTD

Construction of the water supply and heating at the object "4a Lillijas Street, Valmiera"


Replacement and repair of the ventilation unit filters at the object "4a Lillijas Street, Valmiera"


Simplified renovation of the heating unit and internal heating networks for a multi-apartment building at 8 Viesturu Square, Valmiera


Delivery and assembly of the heating boiler “Carborobot Bio 40kW”

„RD Būvnieks” LTD

Construction and dismantling of the heating at the object: “Renovation of the Labour and Professional Training Block of Valmiera Pargauja Gymnasium at 4 Zvaigznu Street, Valmiera

„R.K.C.F. Renesanse” LTD

Renovation of the heating system and heating unit at the object "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 16 Rigas Street, Valmiera"

Smiltene Region Council

Reconstruction of the heating unit in the Sports Hall at 1 Gaujas Street, Smiltene

„DDK Nami” LTD

Simplified renovation of the heating unit and internal heating networks of the multi-apartment residential building at 5 Rigas Street, Valmiera

Burtnieki Region Municipality

Installation of the heat pump in the administrative building of Renceni Civil Parish, at 13 Valmieras Street, Renceni, Renceni civil parish, Burtnieki region

„4Pluss” LTD

Establishment of the heating system

„BaltService” LTD

Assembly of the ventilation and cooling system at 1 Republikas Square, Riga

„LC Būve” LTD

Construction of the heating system and heating units at the object "Simplified renovation of the facades, roofs and internal engineering networks of Ogre Bastketball School"

State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement

Reconstruction of the heating system and the 3rd floor covering ceiling in the building No. 003 of the training block of the NAF Infantry School

„JS Serviss” LTD

Repair of the heating system at 6 Skolas Street, Riga


Repair of the heat supply and ventilation at the object "Reconstruction of the swimming pool building of the Nursery School “Saulite” in Liepa civil parish”


Repair of the internal water supply, sewer and heating at the object "Reconstruction of the premises of Korgene Library"

„4+” LTD

"Installation of the heating boiler and construction of the heating system at 8d Cempu Street, Valmiera"

Jānis Priedītis

"Delivery and assembly of the pellet boiler “Coborobot 40 Bio””

Sarmis Laursons

"Installation of the boiler “Atmos-32“ at 18 Mednieku Street, Valmiera"

Ģirts Stinkulis

„Installation of the boiler “Grande ECO 25 kw” at 41 Plostnieku Street, Riga"

Valdis Bērziņš

"Delivery and assembly of the pellet boiler “Coborobot 40 Bio”"

Jānis Grundbergs

"Delivery and assembly of the pellet boiler “Coborobot 30 Bio”"

„R.K.F.C.Renesanse” LTD

"Renovation of the heating system and construction of the water supply at 8 Annas Street, Valmiera"

„RD Būvnieks” LTD

"Dismantling and assembly of the existing heating and rain drainage networks of the building of the Nursery School “Ezitis” in Valmiera"

„Ādažu namsaimnieks” LTD

"Repairs of the individual heating units for the heating at 23 Pirma Street and 25 Pirma Street, Adazi"

„LC Būve” LTD

“Renovation of the heating and UK system of the group of premises in the Block 9 of the Hospital “Gailezers“”

„LC Būve” LTD

Renovation of the heating, water supply and sewer in the Surgical Unit of the Hospital “Bikernieki”


"Connection of the heating boiler"

Koceni Region Council

Construction of the heating system of Dikli Civil Parish Administration in Koceni region at the address "Gravelsini", Dikli, Dikli civil parish, Koceni region


Replacement and repair of the ventilation unit filters at the object "4 Rigas Street, Valmiera"


Connection of the fireplace at the object "DUS Akrona, Koni civil parish, Naukseni region”

„Baltservice” LTD 

Assembly of the ventilation and cooling system at 1 Republikas Square, Riga

„Baltservice” LTD

Construction of the cooling system at the object “Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Town Hospital”

„Baltservice” LTD 

Строительство калориферов на объекте «Реконструкция корпуса "А" Елгавской городской больницы»

„LC Būve” LTD 

Construction of the AVK and UK system at the object “Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava Town Hospital”

Iecava Secondary School

Reconstruction of the heating system of the building of Iecava Secondary School

„R.K.C.F. Renesanse” LTD 

Renovation of the engineering networks at the object: "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 35 Cesu Street, Valmiera"

JSC „Rigas namu apsaimniekotājs”

Repair of the heating, water supply and sewer in the residential building at 2 Ganu Street and 9 Dzirnavu Street, Riga


Construction of the internal and external engineering networks at the object "Wood processing plant"Kalni" in Koceni civil parish, Koceni region"


Delivery and installation of the pellet boiler and reconstruction of the heat main in the Balvi Nursing Home


Renovation of the heat supply system at the object "Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building at 6 Abulas Street, Smiltene, Smiltene region"


Renovation of the heat supply system at the project "Simplified renovation of the block II of the multi-apartment residential building at 3 Rigas Street, Smiltene, to improve energy efficiency”

Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies

Construction of the heating unit and heating main for the LULST boiler house at 1 Strazdu Street, Jelgava

„LC Būve” LTD 

Replacement of the water supply, domestic sewer and central heating systems at the object "The complex repair of the premises for two groups in Baldone Nursery School - NS “Vaverite” at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region"


Installation of the gas boiler at 6 Bukaisu Street, Riga

„LC Būve” LTD 

Construction of the UK, AVK at the object "Reconstruction of Baldone Secondary School. The 3rd phase of the construction of the premises for the Children's Centre in the attic floor of the block"


Construction of the heating and ventilation system at the object "Construction of a PVC window production plant in the existing service building" at Rozites 1, Matisi civil parish, Burtnieki region


Rebuilding of the heating system and water supply at "Doktorats", Naukseni civil parish, Naukseni region

„Ādažu namsaimnieks” LTD 

Reconstruction of the shared heating system in the basement of the building in Adazi

„Ekers” LTD 

Construction of the heating and ventilation systems in the assembly hall of Dauguli Specialized Boarding Elementary School

General Nursery School “Urdaviņa” of Ikskile Region Municipality

Replacement of the sewer bottom pipes and repair of heating at the Nursery School "Urdavina"

„R.K.C.F. Renesanse” LTD 

Construction of the plumbing and ventilation systems, external water pipe inlet, sewer outlet and connection at 11 Rujienas Street, Mazsalaca

Pļavinas Region Council

Reconstruction of the heat supply system at 50 Daugavas Street, Plavinas

Provision State Agency

Reconstruction of the sewer and water supply system in the building possessed by the Provision State Agency at 4 Klijanu Street, Riga

„Vidus un Partneri” LTD 

Delivery and installation of the boiler

„Ādažu namsaimnieks” LTD

Repair of the Individual heating units of the heating in the multi-apartments buildings at 28 and 43 Pirma Street, Adazi Central Village


Reconstruction of the residential building at 15 Maza Nometnu Street, Riga. Construction of the heating, water supply and sewer.

The State Border Guard College

Increase of the heating system capacity in the training administrative block and repair of the heating system of the Cynology Centre, at 8 Zavoloko Street, Rezekne. Construction of the radiators and heating.

Mazsalaca Region Municipality

Renovation of the heating system in Ramata Civil Parish Primary School. Disassembly of the old heating system and construction of the new heating system.

JSC „Valsts Nekustamie īpašumi”

Reconstruction of the heating system at 10/12 Terbatas Street, Riga. Disassembly of the old heating system and construction of the new heating system.


Construction of the heating system in the adjustment structure of Lielvarde Secondary School named after E.Kaulins at 17 Gaismas Street, Lielvarde. Construction of the heating system.


Construction object of Valmiera Elementary School, assembly of the heating system at 40 L. Paegles Street, Valmiera. Construction of the heating system.


Reconstruction of the heating, ventilation and water pipes, sewer in Valmiera Secondary School No. 2, Valmiera Secondary School No. 5 and Valmiera Viesturs Secondary School

Ligatne region Council

Construction of the internal networks of the heating system with connection points in Ligatne Elementary School "Ainavas", Ligatne civil parish. Dismantling of the old heating and construction of the new heating system in school and service buildings

„Ādažu Namsaimnieks” LTD

Installation of the balancers in heating stacks in multi-apartment residential buildings

„Ādažu Namsaimnieks” LTD

Replacement of the thermal insulation for the heating bottom pipes in multi-apartment residential buildings

Riga Municipal Police

Renovation of the heating system in the rescue station "Kisezers" at 16 Pavu Street, Riga. Disassembly of the old heating system, construction of the new heating system and delivery and installation of the boiler


Reconstruction of the heating and heating unit at Raiskums Sanatorium Boarding School

Valmiera Board of the State Border Guard

Repair of the heating system at 30 Tiruma Street, Salacgriva

Burtnieko Civil Parish Administration

Delivery and installation of wood boiler in the boiler house of Burtnieki Secondary School named after Auseklis

„EM-Projekts” LTD

Construction of the heat supply and heating system, installation of the fuel boiler and construction in the school boiler house at the object "Repair and energy efficiency improvement in Sausneja Elementary School named after Janis Zalitis, Ergli region”

Salacgriva Town and Rural Territory

Renovation of the heating and water system in the Nursery School "Snipisi"

The Environmental Department of Riga Council

Installation of the pellet boiler and repair of the heating in Riga City Animal Shelter

Berzaine Civil Parish Administration

Installation of the pellet boiler in the administrative building of Berzaine Civil Parish Administration

JSC „SCO Centrs”

Delivery and assembly of the heating system at 15 Rigas Street, Valmiera

Vidrizi Civil Parish Administration

Installation of the central heating system in the building of Vidrizi Health Center


Construction of the heat supply and water supply at "Mazbrenguli", Dikli civil parish, Valmiera region

„RD Būvnieks” LTD

Installation of the heating system in the shopping centre "VALLETA" at 4 Rigas Street, Valmiera


Repair of plumbing at 2 Rigas Street, Rujiena

Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency

Replacement of the boiler at 13 Cesu Street, Rujiena