General construction is one of the business dimensions of the construction company SANART Ltd. Certified construction specialists with appropriate education, who increase their qualifications by regularly attending seminars and professional development courses in the regulated field work in this sector. The company’s specialists have years of experience in the construction of new objects, reconstruction and renovation of buildings. The works are carried out in facilities throughout the territory of Latvia, focusing on the maximum satisfaction of the customer needs and precision in project implementation. We also take individual building orders from natural persons; free advice and joint analysis of the project implementation progress are a guarantee for successful cooperation with individual customers, as well as legal entities and municipalities. Building materials used in construction are certified and of high quality, it, in combination with responsibility towards the work assignment and the customer, allows to achieve a good final result.
Cēsu novada Priekuļu apvienības pārvalde
Ēdamzāles parbūve Liepas pamatskolā
AS Valmieras enerģija
Šķeldas siltumavota jaunbūve Valmierā, Auseļa ielas kvartālā
Stora Enso Latvija AS
Granulu nojumes izbūve "Krogzemji" Launkalnes pagasts, Smiltenes novads
Rīgas meži SIA
Katrīnas mežniecības grīdas konstrukcijas pārbūve, siltās grīdas ierīkošana, apkures sistēmas gaiss-ūdens un ventilācijas sistēmas uzstādīšana
Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs SIA
Flamingo ārējās ekspozīcijas laukuma projektēšanas, autoruzraudzības un pārbūves darbi
Valmieras novada pašvaldība
Vienkāršota telpu pārbūve Cēsu ielā 4, Valmierā
Valsts aizsardzības militāro objektu un iepirkumu centrs
Laukuma ar nojumi izbūve "'Ādažu miltārā bāze" Kadaga, Ādažu pagasts, Ādažu novads
Smiltenes novada pašvaldība
Smiltenes novada sporta skolas pārbūves būvprojekta izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un būvdarbi
Vinne DZīks
Kāpņu telpas komunikāciju šahtu apdares darbi Stacijas ielā 15, Valmierā
Pagrabstāva telpu vienkāršotas pārbūves darbi Rīgas iela 40, Valmiera
Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca stacionāra 6.nodaļas ēkas būvdarbu kopums
EcoHeat Technologies SIA
Katlu mājas dūmeņa atjaunošanu, katlu mājas vienkāršota pārbūve, Dzelzceļa ielā 7, Valmiera
Limbažu slimnīca SIA
Poliklīnikas ēkas telpu vienkāršota atjaunošana Klostera ielā 6A, Limbažos
Cēsu novada Priekuļu apvienības pārvalde
Ēdamzāles parbūve Liepas pamatskolā
AS Valmieras enerģija
Šķeldas siltumavota jaunbūve Valmierā, Auseļa ielas kvartālā
Cēsu novada Priekuļu apvienības pārvalde
“Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana pašvaldības ēkā Rūpnīcas ielā 8, Liepā, Liepas pagastā”
VSIA "Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca"
Stacionāra 6.nodaļas ēkas jumta remonts
SIA "Valmieras namsaimnieks"
Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamā mājā Smiltenes ielā 2A Valmierā, Valmieras novadā
SIA Adven Latvia
Siltumavota efektivitātes paaugstināšana Cēsīs, Bērzaines ielas kvartālā. Katlumājas uzstādīšana
Smiltenes novada pašvaldība
Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra un grupu dzīvokļu ēku būvprojektu korekciju izstrāde, autoruzraudzība un atlikušie būvdarbi
Valmieras novada pašvaldība
Pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes pārbūve Palejas ielā 5, Valmierā
Valsts aizsardzības militāro objektu un iepirkumu centrs
Būvprojekta izstrāde, būvdarbi un autoruzraudzība objektā "Ēkas (038) daļas pārbūve" un būvprojekta izstrāde, būvdarbi un autoruzraudzība objektā "Fasāžu vienkāršotā atjaunošana ēkai (004) " Lāčplēša ielā 1, Alūksnē, Alūksnes novadā"
VSIA "Strenču psihineiroloģiskā slimnīca"
Strenču psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca stacionāra 6.nodaļas ēkas būvdarbu kopums
AS "Stora Enso Latvija"
Granulu nojumes izbūve "Krogzemji" Launkalnes pagasts, Smiltenes novads
Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība
Valmiera Viesturs Secondary School 1st and 2nd stage reconstruction
Smiltenes novada dome
Construction of the office building at 38A Vienibas gatve, Riga
Valts izglītības attīstības aģentūra
Smiltenes tehnikuma dienestu viesnīcas pārbūves darbi un mācību manēžas jaunbūves darbi
AS Roga Agro
Automašīnu tehniskās apkopes punkta/ritošās daļas būvniecība, Rīgas ielā 48, Salaspilī
Gulbenes novada dome
Ēkas "Jaungulbenes Alejas" pārbūve par sociālās aprūpes centru
Pārgaujas novada pašvaldība
Katlu mājas atjaunošana Straupē
Bē- Bē LTD
Aitu kūts jaunbūve Burtniekos
SIA Cēsu klīnika
Plaušu slimības kabinetu izbūve, Uzņemšanas nodaļas remonts, Ieejas sakārtošana pie morga, Ieejas nojumes remonts
Rūpnieciskās ražošanas ēkas pārbūve, "Krogzemji", Launkalnes pagasts, Smiltenes novads
Vidzemes slimnīca LTD
Vidzemes slimnīcas Laboratorijas un asins sagatvošanas nodaļas pārbūve
Valmieras pilsētas pašvaldība
BMX trases un starta ēkas (divi starta kalni 8m un 5m) izbūve Rīgas ielā 91, Valmierā
AOCA „Beates darzs”
Thermal insulation of the facade of the residential house at 6 Darza Street, Valmiera
General partnership „SAN Nami”
Reconstruction of the building of Pastarins Primary School of Cesis Town into a low-consumption building at 7 Raunas Street, Cesis, Cesis Region
„Aluksnes putnu ferma”LTD
Dismantling work at the non-residential building "Putni", Ziemeri Civil Parish, Aluksne Region
„Cesu klinika”LTD
Renovation of the clinic's premises, construction of a ramp and simplified renovation of the sewerage riser
„Latgran” LTD
Construction of ground work, rainwater drainage, concreting and apron flashings, according to the technical project "Construction of the entrance and exit pass-point scanner", Gulbene, Gulbene Region
„Graanul Invest” LTD
Construction of ground work, rainwater drainage, concreting and apron flashings for the project ''Entrance drive of Launkalnes Pellet Factory'', ''Ezerini'', Launkalne Civil Parish, Smiltene Region).
„Cesu klinika” LTD
Construction of flooring
“SCO Centrs” Ltd
General construction work in the building of Evele Club in Evele, Evele civil parish, Burtnieki region
“New building of grain tanks, rebuilding of a barn into a warehouse" at "Salenieki", Plani civil parish, Strenci region
JSC “Latvijas Gāze”
Reconstruction of the masonry support fence (wall), insulation of the wall and the basement of the garage building at 16 Krisjana Valdemara Street, Cesis, and reconstruction of the floor in some section of the building, the development of a customer service station and reconstruction of the boiler connection system at 2 Lilijas Street, Valmiera
LPKS Piebalga
Construction of the warehouse premises at 13 Gaujas Street, Jaunpiebalga civil parish, Jaunpiebalga region
Jaunpiebalga Region Council
Simplified restoration of the canteen in a section of the basement of the building of Jaunpiebalga Secondary School at 41 Gaujas Street, Jaunpiebalga, Jaunpiebalga civil parish, Jaunpiebalga region
Construction of an agricultural shed - a forage preparation complex, with the installation of the projected in the design equipment at "Jaunozoli", Umurga civil parish
Pargauja Region Municipality
Replacement of the doors at "Kalmes", Auciems, Raiskums civil parish, Pargauja region
Provision State Agency
Construction of the State Fire and Rescue Service Depot at 2 Rupniecibas Street, Smiltene
Cesis Region Municipality
Restoration of the building of Pastarins Primary School of Cesis town to become a low-energy consumption building at 7 Raunas Street, Cesis, Cesis region
JSC “Latvenergo”
Rebuilding of the premises in the real estate at 9 Pentes Street, Rujiena, Rujiena region, a/st No. 75 "Rujiena"
JSC “Latvenergo”
Repair of the premises to fit a locker room for the needs of the RCF employees at 2 Augļu Street, Sigulda
JSC “Valmieras enerģija”
Construction of a new thermal source at 1A Malu Street, Valmiera
JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra”
Cosmetic repair of 4 offices of the technical department and partially of the corridors and replacement of the fire-resistant doors in the administration building
JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra”
Cosmetic repair of 4 offices of the technical department and partially of the corridors
ASCA “Piebalga”
Supplementary construction work: Construction of warehouse premises at 13 Gaujas Street, Jaunpiebalga civil parish, Jaunpiebalga region
Rauna Region Council
Construction of the gym for Rauna Secondary School
“Prazerina” Ltd
Roof repair work at the object "Warehouse Rebuilding" at 10 Celtnieku Street, Smiltene
Valmiera Town Municipality
Simplified restoration of the kitchen premises in Valmiera Nursery School "Buratino" at 42 Beates Street, Valmiera
“VTU Valmiera” Ltd
Repair of the roof for Smiltene Bus Station at 1 Pils Street, Smiltene
Smiltene Region Council
General construction work of the 3rd phase in Smiltene Town Council building and rebuilding of the internal power supply networks
Rujiena Region Municipality
Reconstruction of electrical devices in the Community Centre of Rujiena Town at 9 Upes Street ,Riga
“Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs” Pltd
Simplified restoration of the facade at “Augsas”, Ape civil parish, Ape region
Limbazi Region Municipality
Construction work in the corridor on the 2nd floor of the administrative building for Vilkene Civil Parish Administration, Limbazi region Municipality at 1 Darza Street, Vilkene
JSC “Latvijas Gāze”
Reconstruction of the masonry support fence (wall), insulation of the wall and the basement of the garage building at 16 Krisjana Valdemara Street, Cesis, and reconstruction of the floor in some section of the building, the development of a customer service station and reconstruction of the boiler connection system at 2 Lilijas Street, Valmiera
Association “Alejas 7”
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 7 Alejas Street, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region
Central Statistical Bureau
Repair of the premises in the customer‘s buildings at 1 Lacplesa Street, Riga and 7 Meza Street, Valmiera
AOCS “Garā 11”
Roof repair at 11 Gara Street, Valmiera
Limbazi Region Municipality
Construction work in the corridor on the 2nd floor of the administrative building for Vilkene Civil Parish Administration, Limbazi region Municipality at 1 Darza Street, Vilkene
Priekuli Region Municipality
Repair of the corridor, cellar and staircase landing in Priekuli Secondary School, Priekuli, Priekuli civil parish, Priekuli region
JSC “Latvenergo”
Repair of the main staircase landing and corridor of the production building at 12 Raina Street, Valmiera
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Cosmetic repair of the meeting room at 4 Vanagu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Repair - improvement in the Nursery School "Burtins", at 2a Ozolu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region
“Augstceltne” Ltd
Repair of the premises of the 6th floor in the administrative building at 2 Republikas Square, Riga
Construction at Valmiera Vocational Education Competence Centre at 3 Vadu Street, Valmiera
Limbazi Region Municipality
Repair of the premises in Limbazi Region Gymnasium at 30 Rigas Street, Limbazi, Limbazu region
Limbazi Region Municipality
Repair of the premises in the building of Limbazi Children and Youth Centre at 9 Rigas Street, Limbazi, Limbazi region
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Construction, finishing and specialized work at 22 Skolas Street, Matisi civil parish, Burtnieki region
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Construction, finishing and specialized works in the building of Burtnieki Elementary School, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region
Dismantling work at 3 Kalku Street, Riga
AOA “Kristaps 23”
Thermal insulation of the facade with wall thermo-panels at 23 Kristapa Street, Riga
Improvement of the yard at the multi-apartment residential building at 13 Gaujas Street , Valmiera
Disassembly of the non-bearing partition walls at 3 Kalku Street, Riga
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Cosmetic repair of the offices No. 4, 5, 6, 7, at 4 Vanagu Street, Valmiermuiza, Valmiera civil parish, Burtnieki region
State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement
Renovation of the roof for the buiding No. 027 of the NAF NG 22nd IB, at Kaugurmuiza, 54 Cesu Street, Valmiera
Repair of the heating unit and extension of the sheltered space at 18 Murmuizas Street, Valmiera
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Improvement works for the multi-apartment building at 195/3 Jumaras Street, Vlamiera
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Construction work at 59 Riga Street, Valmiera
Association “Idoves mantojums”
Simplified renovation of the premises at 1 Nakotnes Street, Malpils, Malpils region
SSCC “Vidzeme”
Construction of the office premises in the premises of the boiler house for the branch of SSCC “Vidzeme” in Valka
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Improvement of the yard for the multi-apartment residential building at 19 Stacija Street, Valmiera
“Valmiermuižas alus” Ltd
Repair of the barn roof at 15 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiza
“VTU Valmiera” Ltd
Construction of the lubrication station
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Renovation of the balconies for the multi-apartment residential building at 23 Stacijas Street, Valmiera
“Cēsu klīnika” Ltd
Renovation for “Cēsu klīnika” Ltd
Association “Gaides 2”
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 2 Gaides Street, Valmiera
Nursery School No. 6 “Karliena” of Valmiera town
Replacement of the fence for Valmiera Nursery School No. 6 “Karliena”
“SB” Ltd
Development of a technical design for the object – the warehouse at 59 Rigas Street, Valmiera
Association “Gaides 2”
Internal and external repair for the multi-apartment residential building at 2 Gaides Street, Valmiera
“Kārvins” Ltd
Construction of the chinchilla farm
ASCA “Bauņi”
Agricultural shed-equipment storage
“Saimniecība 24” Ltd
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 20 Rigas Street, Valmiera
Farm “Tīrumkalni”
Construction supervision at the object: Construction of the shed with 200 places for young bovine animals and simplified reconstruction of the barn “Ives”"
Malpils Region Council
Repair of the premises for Malpils Secondary School
Koceni Region Council
Repair of the floor and walls of the assembly hall, construction of the rainwater drainage system for Rubene Elementary School at 1 Valmieras Street, Rubene, Koceni civil parish, Koceni region
Vecpiebalga Region Council
Demolition of the chimney in Kaive, Kaive civil parish, Vecpiebalga region
Cosmetic repair of the premises at 8 Matisa Street, Riga
Association “Kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma aizsardzības un attīstības biedrība”
Repair of the premises in Malpils manor
Association “Kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma aizsardzības un attīstības biedrība”
Repair of the manor base, paving edging
“CO Centrs” Ltd
Finishing work at the object "Increasing energy efficiency for Valmiera State Gymnasium building at 40 Leona Paegles Street, Valmiera"
“TBC Maiga” Ltd
Finishing of interior boxes
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Cosmetic repairs of the premises for Vecate Civil Parish Administration
“Cita Santehnika” Ltd
Shop repair at 1 Cepla Street, Valmiera
“DDK nami” Ltd
Simplified renovation of thr multi-apartment building at 9 K.Baumana Street, Valmiera
Koceni Region Council
Repair of the premises in the Song Festival Museum of the Dikli Culture and Tourism Information Centre in Koceni region
“Mikropāļi” Ltd
Reconstruction of a farm shed – equipment storage
Smiltene Region Council
Simplified renovation of the roof in Palsmane Specialized Boarding Elementary School in Palsmane, Palsmane civil parish, Smiltene region
SSCC “Vidzeme”
Renovation of the customer‘s training premises and sanitary facilities in "Allazi", a branch of the SSCC
Simplified reconstruction within the reconstruction of the catering block in the castle of “Valmiermuižas” Ltd
Renovation of the balconies for a multi-apartment residential building at 23 Stacijas Street, Valmiera
State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement
Reconstruction of the roof of the NAT IS building 030 and insulation of the facade, replacement of the roof of the building 039 and repair of the premises in the building 003 at 1 Lacplesa Street, Aluksne
Association “Gaides 2”
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 2 Gaides Street, Valmiera
AOCS “Dzīvokļu Savienība”
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment residential building t 3 K. Baumana Street, Valmiera
Farm “Jaunmārkundas”
Reconstruction of a farm shed-equipment storage
Koceni Region Council
Replacement of the gym floor in Dikli Elementary School named after Juris Neikens in Koceni region
Iecava Secondary School
Repair of the premises in Iecava Secondary School at 37 Skolas Street, Iecava
Malpils Region Council
Repair of the premises in Malpils Municipality
“KPR” Ltd
Reconstruction of the service building with the addition to the structure
“Tehauto” Ltd
Cosmetic repairs of the premises and construction of the heating system at 60 Beates Street, Valmiera
“Vestabalt” Ltd
Cosmetic repairs of the staircases landing at 15 P.Brieza Street, Riga
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Restoration of the floor covering at Matisi open-air stage
“Sarkanā Krusta Smiltenes slimnīca” Ltd
Repair of the corridors at 14 Dakteru Street, Smiltene
Smiltene Region Council
Repair of the attic and facade sections for Palsmane Boarding Elementary School
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Construction of the temporary detention facility at 7 J.Vintena Street, Burtnieki, Burtnieki region
“MDJ” Ltd
Repair of the premises at 2-2 Parka Street, Priekuli, Priekuli civil parish, Priekuli region
Valmiera Town Municipality
Construction of the roof sections for the building of Valmiera Pargauja Primary School at 12a Meza Street, Valmiera
State Land Service
Demolition of the recreation camp "Ezitis" at "Ezitis", Koceni civil parish, Koceni region
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Simplified renovation of the multi- apartment residential building at 19 Stacijas Street, Valmiera
ASCA “Bauņi”
Agricultural shed-equipment storage
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Reconstruction of Vecate civil parish open-air stage "Parkmali" in Vecate, Burtnieki civil parish, Burtnieki region
“VTU Valmiera” Ltd
Repair of the brake parts repair workshop and locker premises
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Reconstruction of the nursery school of Burtnieki civil parish
“Saimniecība 24” Ltd
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 20 Rigas Street, Valmiera
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment building at 5 A.Upisa Street, Valmiera
Valmiera Town Municipality
Kitchen Renovation for the Nursery School “Pienenite”
State Land Service
Renovation of the facade and improvement of the yard at the Vidzeme regional office of the State Land Service in the administrative building of Valmiera office ar 47 Rigas Street, Valmiera
Farm “Tīrumkalni”
Construction supervision at the object: Construction of the shed with 200 places for young bovine animals and simplified reconstruction of the barn “Ives”"
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Insulation of the attic for Matisi Elementary School
“Ekostandarts Tehnoloģijas” Ltd
Reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment plant for “VTU Valmiera” Ltd
State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement
Reconstruction of the heating system in the building of the NAF IS training block Nr. 003 and the 3rd floor ceiling
“Selva Būve” Ltd
Reconstruction of Smiltene Community Centre
Malpils Region Council
Repair of the premises for Malpils Secondary School
Simplified renovation of the facades, roofs and internal engineering networks for Ogre Basketball School
Maternity Hospital
Repair of Baldone locker rooms
“RD Būvnieks” Ltd
Renovation of the building for the Specialized Nursery School “Bitite” of Valmiera town
„Office building at 50 Ventspils Street, Riga"
„ Simplified renovation of the assembly halls of educational establishments of Riga City” at 22 Sarkandaugavas Street, Riga
„Complex repair of the premises for a new group" at 6 Pilskalna Street, Baldone, Baldone region
„The 3rd phase of construction of the training block with school canteen complex - stage of work projected for 2012"
Burtnieki Region Municipality
„Establishment of Multifunctional Youth Initiative Centres in Burtnieki, Burtnieki region”
„Establishment of Multifunctional Youth Initiative Centres in Burtnieki, Burtnieki region”
Reconstruction of the block A of Jelgava town hospital
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Simplified renovation of the social home at 4a Alejas Street, Rencenu civil parish, Burtnieki region
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Repair of the open-air stage in Kocini Park Matisi, MAtisi civil parish, Burtnieki region
“Valmieras Namsaimnieks” Ltd
Simplified renovation of the multi-apartment buildings at 1 Gaides Street, Valmiera
JSC “Latvijas gāze”
"Insulation, painting of the façade with the development of a design for the simplified renovation of the façades of the buildins (inv. No. 120378) at 2 Lilijas Street, Valmiera"
Mārtiņš Mediņš
Reconstruction of the building of Ausekli mill
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Demolition of the shed “Wood shed” in Pavuleni, Evele, Evele civil parish, Burtnieki region
Burtnieki Region Municipality
„Establishment of Multifunctional Youth Initiative Centres in Burtnieki, Burtnieki region”
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Reconstruction of the Community Centre of Vecate civil parish
“CMG” Ltd
Renovation of the swimming pool building for the Nursery School “Saulite” in Liepa civil parish
“CMG” Ltd
Increasing energy efficiency in the multi-apartment residential building "Gaismas" in Augsligatne, Ligatne civil parish, Ligatne region
“LC Būve” Ltd
"Construction at the object of the Renovation of the administrative building at 9 Krustbaznicas Street, Riga
“Selva būve” Ltd
"Reconstruction of Smiltene Community Centre"
Baldone Region Council
Replacement of windows and doors at municipal objects
Educational Institution of Social Correction „Naukšēni”
Replacement of the roofing on the warehouse of Naukseni manor for the Educational Institution of Social Correction „Naukšēni”
Valmiera Town Municipality
Rebuilding of the restrooms for Valmiera Secondary School No. 2 in Raina Street, Valmiera
Valmiera Town Municipality
Repair of the assembly hall and restrooms in Valmiera Secondary School No. 2
Mārtiņš Mediņš
Reconstruction of the building of Ausekli mill
Provision State Agency
Reconstruction of the sewer and water supply system in the building possessed by the Provision State Agency at 4 Klijanu Street, Riga
Burtnieki Region Municipality
Reconstruction of the assembly hall of Burtnieki Secondary School named after Auseklis, Burtnieki region
“CMG” Ltd
Repair of the restrooms of Raiskums Boardins School at "Dzelmes 5", Raiskums, Raiskums civil parish, Pargauja region
“MEHA ” Ltd
Construction of the office building at 38A Vienibas gatve, Riga
Provision State Agency
Repair of the visitor restroom in the building at 4 Klijanu Street, Riga. Repair
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